Summer Camp 2024 Pledge

Here are my writing plans for this summer, 2024.  

Planned Changes

My main goal is to expand on what I see as the most unique and memorable aspects of my setting. I enjoy studying "pantheons in their youth", in other words making it slowly apparent how these powers rise and fall in as organic and understandable way as possible. Thus most of the changes will probably take place in Waking Materia's First Age; I may even expand more on the great interplanar Empires like Daybreak, though I'm resolved to keep an air of mystery around these for the time being. All of that said, I don't want to put myself on rails too much either. We'll see how things go.  


My goal is to reach Diamond (32 articles), with a minimum word count per article of 300. That's more or less what I consider the bare minimum word count to truly flesh out an idea, and when possible I'll try to shoot for 500 words or more as I dislike a half-baked idea.  


My goal here is to learn what that means and what's so important about it.


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