Swift Eila & Strong Edytha

Swift Eila and Strong Edytha are a pair of finely-crafted dwarven axes belonging to the Material God of travel, fire, skaldry, diplomacy and surfacer dwarves, Galadnock mac-Kenzie. They are Relic Weapons: boons granted to a chosen hero during a pivotal time in history.

The weapons were known to be wielded by mac-Kenzie in mortal life as an itinerant warrior-monk and planar guide.

The god-skald never spoke of the origin of their names.  


Lightweight but with incredible durability, Swift Eila & Strong Edytha are each carved from the bones of an elder frost giant of Pitravat, ancient enemies to the Flamespeakers of Tong Deum, of whom mac-Kenzie was a member and master practicioner. They are wrapped in fine reddish leather, and adorned with traditional Pitravatish patterning.  


In addition to their fine craftsmanship, Swift Eila & Strong Edytha also possess some unique qualities.

  • When wielded, the hero gains a preternatural sense of danger; as such they are no longer affected by flanking or other crowd tactics, as well as ambushes.
  • The wielder feels compelled to sing the praises of their allies. They are able to grant morale bonuses to checks & skills of an ally by glorifying them in speech or song. If the hero already possesses such ability, the effect is greatly magnified.
  • Representing Galadnock mac-Kenzie's deep friendship with V'Shaat al-Avra, the waraxes are layered in V'Shaatian bladepoetry, giving the wielder added acuity with the weapon on a fundamental, undisruptable level.

Swift Eila & Strong Edytha

Item type
Weapon, Melee

Dwarven Waraxes

Galadnock mac-Kenzie

V'Shaat al-Avra

Date Created


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