Blessed Bishop Elena Havik

Blessed Bishop Elena Havik is the Crinoa appointed representative in the Southern Isles. Somewhat controversially, she believes that any government can be swayed to the true faith through piety and prayer. Elena is the effective head of the Monican Reconciliationists , and she is based out of Autarchia, but due to clashes with the inquisition she has been considering relocating to Minaan to Vanaheim and the Dome of Peace.
Informally, many in the Southern Isles refer to her as the 'Mother of the Faith', due to her relentless drive to expand prosletyzation and church building efforts. For Elena, no man is too stubborn to talk down, no soul too lost to find redemption, and no village to small to ignore in blessed quest to spread the faith. To date her greatest success is concecrating the first Cathedral of Aerus in the fractious pirate city of Merryport, though recent events in Vev Faban may overshadow even that triumph.


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