WORKING ON ART! I don't use AI so it takes me longer to draw the 'pretty' parts. It's coming, is the fine-tuning of the layout. ~ Jaime

Clockwork University stands as the first and oldest academic institution in Clockworks City, a beacon of invention, engineering, and scientific excellence for centuries. Revered by the city's 1.5 billion inhabitants, the university has played a pivotal role in shaping the technological dominance of the Gnomish people. It was founded to explore mechanics and time, but after a powerful warning from the Hero of the Gem, the university shifted its focus away from the dangerous study of time to the advancement of other groundbreaking fields.

Founding and Legacy

Established by the great inventor and Chronomancer Andelar Wurmwick, Clockwork University was originally founded to advance Gnomish mastery over mechanics and time. Over the centuries, it has become the cornerstone of Clockworks City's technological dominance. The university continues to uphold Wurmwick’s vision of blending academic rigor with practical application, constantly pushing the boundaries of science, technology, and communication.

Core Areas of Study

Clockwork University is divided into specialized colleges, each excelling in distinct fields of study. These colleges compete fiercely but work in tandem to push the boundaries of what is possible in science, engineering, and magic.  

1. Engineering and Quantum Studies

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: The heart of Clockworks City is built on the innovations that come from this department, where students craft complex machines that drive everything from transportation to the automated systems running the city.   QUANTUM MECHANICS: Since abandoning time manipulation, the university turned its focus to quantum research, exploring the unseen fabric of the universe. Here, Gnome physicists pioneer devices capable of interacting with matter on a subatomic level.  

2. Bio-Mechanical Innovation

This division focuses on integrating biology and technology, producing clockwork-enhanced organisms and mechanical augmentations. This is where Gnomes push boundaries between life and machine, creating innovations that fuel both agriculture and defense.  

3. The Institute of Techno-Magistry

While most magic is little understood by Gnomes, the Techno-Mägo blend the arcane with engineering. This prestigious institute studies how magical energy can be harnessed and combined with technology, from creating protective wards to powering aether-based generators. The Institute also manages the dangerous but rewarding integration of magical artifacts into machines.

Famous Faculty and Figures

Headmistress Vekna Thalren

The iron-willed Vekna Thalren has led Clockwork University through times of great change, including the pivotal decision to heed the Hero’s warning. Known for her strict yet fair demeanor, she enforces a culture of precision and discipline across all colleges, ensuring the institution remains at the forefront of Gnome innovation.  

Professor Talix Cogwright

A genius in Mechanomancy, Talix Cogwright is both brilliant and wildly unpredictable. His groundbreaking experiments have led to both success and disaster, but his passion for invention inspires generations of students. Many say he’s on a personal quest to build the perfect machine, one that requires both a steady hand and a taste for risk.  

Professor Elsyra Quillfax

Head of the Institute of Literary and Cognitive Arts, Professor Elsyra Quillfax believes that storytelling and narrative are key to driving technological innovation. Her department offers a PhD in Creative Writing, where students merge creative expression with advanced technological communication, producing works that shape the future of Clockworks City.  

Martha "Mashpot" Muddlemire – The Cook

Martha "Mashpot" Muddlemire is beloved for her legendary meals that nourish both body and mind. Her midnight snacks, shared with stressed students, have sparked countless breakthroughs. Known for her magical cooking, Martha’s simple wisdom often untangles the most complex academic problems. Many students credit their greatest ideas to a chat with her over a bowl of her famous potato stew.

Student Life and Traditions

The Collegiate System

Clockwork University’s campuses are split into distinct colleges, each with their own specialties and fierce rivalries. Some of the most notable include:
  1. Velthar College, home to the university’s best biomechanics researchers.
  2. Ortegan College, a bastion of quantum studies.
  3. Spire College, leading in mechanical engineering and artificial intelligence.
Each college has its own traditions, governing bodies, and dormitories, and they fiercely compete during events like the Cogspanner Games—a university-wide competition where students race clockwork vehicles they’ve designed themselves.  

The Great Orrery Festival

At the heart of the university is the Great Orrery, a celestial model that predates the Hero’s intervention. While no longer used for time research, the orrery is still the focal point of the Great Orrery Festival, where students present their best inventions to faculty and peers. The festival is a celebration of invention, progress, and the Gnomish spirit of innovation.

Key Facilities and Landmarks

The Gearwork Library

The Gearwork Library is one of the most important buildings at Clockwork University. Its rotating shelves hold not only traditional books and scrolls but also blueprints, magical diagrams, and artifact histories. The library is a labyrinth of knowledge, maintained by clockwork assistants and sentient systems. Students must earn permission to access the restricted sections, where dangerous or powerful knowledge is stored.  

Aetherium Tower

Standing on the far edge of the campus, Aetherium Tower is where the Techno-Mägo conduct their research. Shielded from the rest of the university by arcane wards, this is where the most dangerous and powerful experiments take place, including early attempts at fusing technology with magic.  

Famous Alumni

Jaime D. Buckley – The Human Exception

Perhaps the most unique alumnus is also the cause of the infamous “Bunkinwickle Affair”...Jaime D. Buckley. Using a powerful disguise to infiltrate Clockwork University, he posed as a Gnome for years. When his true identity was revealed, his contributions were so significant that the university granted him honorary Gnome status, and established The Bunkinwickle Exception. His pioneering work in narrative engineering continues to inspire students across disciplines. He graduated from Clockwork University 'Cog Perfectus', and a PhD in Creative Writing.  

Talia Windrake

An engineer-turned-poet, Talia Windrake merged mechanical theory with creative writing, producing works that influence both the technological and cultural aspects of Gnome life. Her book, The Gears of the Cosmos, is required reading in both the Institute of Literary Arts and the Quantum Division.  

Zyx "Twitchy" Gearshift – The Janitor

A former student of the Techno-Mägo, Zyx Gearshift now keeps the university in order. His expertise in tinkering leads to occasional eccentric inventions, such as self-cleaning floors and semi-sentient brooms. Rumor has it that Twitchy provides hidden, cryptic guidance to struggling students, steering them toward breakthroughs in unexpected ways.

Controversies and Scandals

The university has had its share of controversies, with the most famous being the Gearstorm Incident, when an experimental time machine caused the entire campus to be trapped in a 24-hour time loop. Many students report it was “the longest day of their lives,” while the faculty prefers not to speak of it.

Clockwork University’s Oldest Patron

For centuries, Stilence, Mish, Trition, and Mise—the oldest and most prestigious law firm in Clockworks City—have represented the university. They have protected the institution's intellectual property and handled disputes with rival universities, ensuring that Clockwork University remains the undisputed leader of innovation. Their influence runs deep, but whispers persist about their true motives. Few know that the firm’s partners—Stilence, Mish, Trition, and Mise—are not just powerful lawyers but something much older and more dangerous.

The Law of Innovation

In response to the Hero of the Gem’s warning, Clockwork University crafted a new mission: innovation without recklessness. By decree of the Hero and the administration, the study of time was sealed away, and the university’s focus turned toward exploration, creation, and the integration of magic and science in safer, more controlled environments. This law has shaped the institution, guiding it into a future where knowledge leads, but caution is always on the horizon.

Articles under Clockwork University – The Pinnacle of Gnomish Knowledge and Innovation


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Sep 13, 2024 06:31 by Susanne Lamprecht

I love it, Jaime! As always, that's exceptional work done here!

Vampire loving servant of several chaotic forces.

Current Project: Die verlorenen Legionen

Sep 16, 2024 13:01 by Jaime Buckley

[HUGS!]   Thank you, Davina =) It's no complete....I have a full University ready-ish to put up, but I'll have to do it AFTER the contest (it's wayyyyy over 2000 word limit)...but the reason I was doing this is kinda funny. NOT for the contest, it's because I wanted an actual PhD in Creative Writing, which IS a thing in RL. I thought, "Gosh, with as much as I've done with the gnomes, surely they'd give me a PhD, right?"   Right!   Had a conversation with Vekna Thalren and other key members of staff, and BAM! was put in motion.   Not sure how we are going to get the paperwork from Clockworks to my state in the USA, but hey, gnome tech will think of something eventually.   Will send a picture when it comes through. I'm sure you'll notice a change in my signature. [grin]

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
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