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E3 - Mercy and Fireballs

The party saves some lives, and then almost die at the hand of Shealis

General Summary

The party charged through the streets of Gate Pass as the battle raged above the city. As they progressed, an injured wyvern fell from the heavens and crashed through the roof of a civilian home. The party found a trail of bodies leading to a house where the rider of the fallen beast held a family hostage. Some of the group wanted to finish off the killer, but Jack protested to the bloodshed. In the end, the party removed the rider's weapons and armor, hog-tied him, and left him in a dark corner outside.   Continuing on, the party arrived at Gabal's School of War. They were greeted by a man smoking a cigarette at the entrance of the school, who introduced himself as Diogenes. Jack and Myetharia lied to him in an attempt to convince him to quietly bring them to Shealis, the elven woman who Larion was bringing Funzbar's Box Of Intel to. After some discussion, Diogenes led them through the halls of Gabal's School of War, arriving at the dormitory hallway where Shealis resided.   Attempting to sneak to her door, Rayland, Myetharia, and Winry crept down the hall. Unfortunately, the attempt failed, and in an effort to stop Shealis' retreat, the group charged through her door.   They found Shealis packing some belongings, with Larion and his solon watching her back. A melee ensured, in which Larion was slain. Seeing the numbers turn against her, Shealis dropped a Fireball spell on the group, knocking several down, including Myetharia and Rayland. Seeing the level of her power, and that their two battle-hardened leaders were face down, Jack, Winry and Bryn decided enough was enough, and stepped back to allow Shealis to leave.   While she finished packing her things, Bryn stabilized their friends while Jack asked her if she was taking the box to Lord Shaaladel, the leader of Shahalesti. She laughed this off. Bryn asked her if she had any desire to protect Gate Pass. Shealis claimed she had no allegiance to the city. Jack suggested that his father could pay Shealis double for the intel, and while she was momentarily tempted by this, she headed out the door, but not before sharing they should seek Clathan if he wanted the intel.   After the encounter, Diogenes arrived and demanded an explanation. After Jack laid the situation bare, Diogenes offered two potions of healing and allowed the party to take a short rest before moving on.

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In world date 
New Year's Day, 5754 AC
Report Date
18 May 2021
Primary Location
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