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Ragesian Empire

The Ragesian Empire is based in the capital city of Ragos, located on central lowlands dominated by many lakes. While the core of the empire is populated heavily by orcs and half-orcs, the outer regions have wildly diverse cultures and populations, the result of having once been many separate nations before being conquered by sword and torch.   Every region has a large component of orcs in the population, along with heavy military presence to ensure loyalty and peace. Though the people of Ragesia have been conquered, most are content that they live today in relative safety. Given the power of the empire, rebellion just doesn't seem worth it. The majority of the population is still human however, or half-orc, and different ethnic groups remain mostly concentrated in their old homelands, which are often separated by low, long mountain ranges.   Ragesia is conventional in its political organization; mayors and town councils are found in nearly every community. The focus of their governance though, is power and subjugation. Evil hearts are encouraged to define and execute the letter of the law with scant regard for compassion or quarter, though it is occasionally given, if only to underscore the power of the empire. Like the tribal beginnings of the orcs who now rule, strength and position is gained through depravity and guile. The populace has grown used to the occasional suspicious death or mysterious fire or robbery.   The northern reaches are home to people known as the Kelaquois, who live in frigid lands that are frozen for most of the year, where they coexist with frost giants, mastodons, and vast herds of bison. The western plains were once the nation of Latia, its renowned ship-building now benefiting Ragesia and its navy. The southern lands are craggy, with cold rocky deserts dominating what was once Chathus, a land of nomads and traders who nevertheless defended their lands with great vigor, using cavalry and mobility to wage a protracted war, allowing their home to be the last conquered by Ragesia. The central heartlands once belonged to the powerful fortified nation of Morrus, and numerous old castles, forts, and walls dot the landscape, defenses which were easily bypassed with Emperor Coaltongue's Torch.   An ocean borders Ragesia to the west, with rocky mountains marking Ragesia's borders with the nations to the south — Sindaire and Dassen. The northern border is a high, frigid mountain range, separating Ragesia from most of the rest of the world. The same mountains curve down to form the eastern border, rising high enough that Ragesia never saw much value in trying to conquer beyond them.  

The Inquisitors

Dressed in bear skins, their faces concealed by bear-skull masks, inquisitors are the feared blade of Ragesia, expert in cutting out those who resist its rule. They fervently serve Ragesia's supreme inquisitor, an aged witch named Leska, who until recently was a loyal servant of the emperor. Now Leska has assumed the throne, and the inquisitors are her greatest weapon.   Mages tell stories of inquisitors — sent to hunt down disloyal mages — completely ignoring powerful spells, or even turning spells against their casters. The few who have been captured by inquisitors and have lived to tell the tale recount being tortured, their wrists slashed by an inquisitor's clawed gauntlets, then being left to a slow, cold death unless they betrayed their allies. Some rumor that inquisitors can even devour the souls of magic-users, taking their powers for themselves before raising the slain mage as an undead follower.   The Inquisitor Domain possesses alternate class abilities. If you are interested in playing an inquisitor or a character who has managed to learn their secret techniques, talk to your game master.
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