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Before Drakus Coaltongue's rise to power, Ragos served as the capital of Morrus, then the mightiest nation within a thousand miles. When Coaltongue conquered the city, he made it his seat of power and named his new empire after it, but left the heart of old Ragos intact. In this way he won the loyalty and trust of many powerful families who expected to be slaughtered, though certainly some dynastic grudges survive. Now, sixty years after it bowed to Coaltongue, modern Ragos combines a history of military might, an extravagant beauty grown through centuries of wealth, and endless forms of decadence from the aristocracy old and new.   Ragos looms imposingly on the shores of Lake Bashar. Regal buildings, decorated in expensive black marble, rise high along the city's broad streets, down which patrol the proud warriors of the elite Seventh Ragesian army. Pleasure barges float among the small, rocky islands of the lake, where the most prominent of the city's noble families, many of which descend from before Coaltongue's armies conquered the city, make their homes. The rough hills surrounding Lake Bashar lead to clear delineations of status, with the middle class living on the gentler flatlands, while the poor cram into slums on the steep sides of the hills. Numerous walls divide city sections and defend against outward attacks, but at its current size, Ragos is almost too large to effectively attack or besiege.   Garrisons of thousands defend the walls around these high quarters, and wyverns prowl the skies near the palace, but aside from a sprawling district known as The Hundreds to the south of the city center, no other city quarters are allowed to extend closer than a half mile from the walls of the high districts. In the fields surrounding the high quarters, the army performs daily training exercises, more to display the empire's power to the populace than to actually hone their skills. Beyond these training fields, to the north and west of the central city, dozens of smaller towns, scores of slums, and hundreds of farms and small holdings lie interspersed with small defensive forts and watchtowers.   Though the rest of Ragesia experiences harsh blizzards, Lake Bashar normally keeps the winters mild, and wind off its surface keeps away mosquitos during the summer.
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