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Scionis Primus

Capital Planet of the Lux Terminae Sector

Scionis Primus, often simply Primus, is a Shrine World and Political and Religious Capital of the Lux Terminae Sector.  


Primus was a simple civilized world prior to the Age of Apostasy. Being spinward of both the Cadian Gate and Cypra Mundi, Scionis Primus was not considered a planet of note prior to a visit by Saint Alicia Dominica in M36.   It is said that the Saint's crusading Battlefleet stopped for only one week above Primus to take on supplies and reinforcements. In that time, several thousand menials were reportedly cured of terminal diseases, and three separate heretical cults were put to the torch.   Saint Dominica supposedly never set foot on the surface of the planet, but her divine presence inspired local citizens to swarm fortified secret cult compounds with nothing but tools, cutting knives, and their bare hands. The fact that the Faithful were able to overcome entrenched heretical forces with naught but their faith was retroactively declared a miracle by the Ecclesiarchy in M38.  

Present Day

Primus is home of the Sector Governor, as well as a full convent of Adepta Sororitas - the Order of the Bloody Thorn. The temporal government of Primus shares powers and duties with the Ecclesiarchy, with the Sector Governor and Cardinal often seen promulgating edicts with mutual assent.   Primus and Scionis Secundus have a fierce rivalry as residents of both planets consider their homes to be more important in the Lux Terminae Sector. The citizens of Primus argue that the entire sector would be lost to darkness without the great cathedra and prayers of Primus, while Secondites muse that the great Cathedra would quickly fall to ruin without the steady stream of supplies brought to Primus from Secondus.
The holy light   Capital of the Lux Terminae Sector   Nexus of spiritual and temporal power

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