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Scionis Secundus

If you can't find something on Secundus, it doesn't exist.
  Financial and industrial capital of the Lux Terminus sector, Scionis Secundus is a civilized world that escapes the Adeptus Administratum's hive world designation by the barest of margins. With the exception of the continent of Arxus, cities cover the entirety of the planet's surface. However, unlike a Hive World, these cities are "merely" three or four levels deep and sprawl out without the safety of a hive's adamantine walls.  

The City of Silver

The City of Silver is the formal capital of Scionis Secundus, and therefore one of the most important cities in the sector, if not the Segmentum.   So-called due to the silver-guilded upper levels, which are home to the ruling aristocracy of Secundus, as well as many of the Rogue Trader Houses, the City has an ill-defined boundary. Local wars and skirmishes have been fought by residents of outlying districts over the honor of calling themselves "Silverites", residents of the city.   The upper levels of the City of Silver are home to estate of the Imperial Governor, as well as the offices of every major Imperial organization, including the Adeptus Ministorium, the Adeptus Administratum, embassies of the Adeptus Mechanicus, as well as being the site of numerous Rogue Trader Clans estates.   The Silver Undercity consists of the lowest level of the city, as well as the undocumented layers and pre-historic warrens of tunnels where the less fortunate Silverites dwell. The Undercity is, in turn, divided up by its residents into the "Above" and the "Below". The former are merely the most decrepit and ill-maintained parts of the Silver City where the Lex Imperialis still holds sway. The latter is an unknowable labyrinth of tunnels, sewers, bunkers, and generatoriums whose original purposes have been lost to time.  

The Estate

The Estate of the Perseus Dynasty is a thing of faded grandeur. Covering enough of the top-most layer of the Silver City to house a thousand menials, the Estate at its height was a marvel of gothic architecture and engineering.   Now, owing to the faded fortunes of the Persus Dynasty itself, the Estate has started to crumble into disarray. The Gardens, Grand Mansion, and Outbuildings are all slowly starting to decay due to lack of maintenance and menials. Only a reversal of fortune for the entire Dynasty could hope to resurrect this dying palace.  

Port Eisen

The massive spaceport of Port Eisen is an orbital ring which encircles the planet, connected with cathedra-esque space elevators to huge cargo handling facilities on the surface of the Scionis Secundus. Incalculable tonnages of raw materials and finished goods are hauled and unloaded by an unending line of Void Conveyers helmed by the Chartist Clans.   The Perseus Dynasty owns a small enclave on the orbital docking ring, accessible by space elevator from a terminus near their Estate. That enclave is similarly falling into disrepair, crewed only by a handful of loyal retainers who hope against hope for the imminent return of the Righteous Indignation.
Commercial Capital of the Lux Terminae Sector   Home of the Perseus Dynasty
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