Emperor's Justice
Emperor's Justice is a heavily armed Imperial Navy cruiser sworn to the service of Inquisitor Rynhart. Equipped with formidable weaponry and advanced sensor arrays, the vessel is a beacon of the Imperium’s might. Commanded by the uncompromising Captain Liora Narek, the ship’s crew is known for their strict discipline and unwavering loyalty. Designed for both space combat and rapid deployment of ground forces, *The Emperor's Justice* is a crucial asset in the Inquisitor’s investigation of The Anomaly on Novaria Prime, ready to enforce the Emperor's will in any situation, no matter how dire.
In an inadvertent fratricide event, the vessel was shot down by the Angels Forlorn using the 401st Regimental Barracks and Mustering Yard automated defences. The vessel crashed to the ground and immediately began transmitting a distress signal, drawing the attention of the factions engaged in bloody combat. The fate of its crew remain unknown.
Destruction Date
1 Week Post Event
Owning Organization