Attack Squig

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Attack Squig - DH - Creatures Anathema - p101
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wou
35 - 34 4-22 33 10 28 28 - 12

Movement: 3/6/9/24
Armour: None

Weapons: Bite (1d10+6 R; Pen 0; Tearing.
Skills:Awareness +10 (Per), Survival +10 (Int)
Talents: Devastating Assault.
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Unnatural Characteristic (Toughness +2).
Gear: 1d5 Teef, Squig leather
  Attack Squig - RT - The Kronus Bestiary - p82
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wou
40 - 36 4-25 33 10 32 28 - 12

Movement: 3/6/9/24
Armour: None

Weapons: Bite (1d10+6 R; Pen 0; Tearing.
Skills:Awareness +10 (Per), Survival +10 (Int)
Talents: Devastating Assault.
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Unnatural Characteristic (Toughness +2).
Gear: 1d5 Teef, Squig leather
  (Trained) Attack Squig - RT - The Frozen Reaches - p60
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wou
40 - 38 4-26 6-33 06 32 25 - 12

Movement: 3/6/9/18
Armour: None

Weapons: Bite (1d10+6 R; Pen 0; Tearing.
Skills:Awareness +10 (Per), Survival +20 (Int)
Talents: Devastating Assault.
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Unnatural Characteristic (Toughness +2).
Gear: 1d5 Teef, Squig leather