Bomb Squig

One type of Squig that has become increasingly prevalent on the battlefield across the Expanse is the Bomb Squig. This is usually nothing more than an Attack Squig that has been loaded down with stikk bombs and other explosives and let loose. The Squigs chosen to become Bomb Squigs are usually the fastest ones in the pens, so that they can deliver their payload before being shot by an enemy. The Orks who have rigged these running bombs sometimes rig a crude device so that they can detonate the Squig when it is likely to cause the most damage, but most are happy to have the Squigs run rampant and explode randomly. Bomb Squigs are especially favoured by Tankbustas to aid them in blasting through enemy armour.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bomb Squig - RT - The Koronus Bestiary - p82
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel Wou
35 - 32 4-22 33 43 32 28 - 10
Movement: 3/6/9/18
Armour: None.

Weapons: Bite (1d10+6 R; Pen 0; Tearing Bomb Harness† (2d10+4 X; Pen 1; Blast ).
Skills: Awareness +10 (Per), Survival +10 (Per).
Talents: Devastating Assault.
Traits: Bestial, Natural Weapons, Unnatural Characteristic (Toughness +2).
Gear: 1d5 Teef, Squig Leather
†Bomb Harness: This device can be detonated by an Ork designated as the “Squig Handla” if he is within 20m of the Squig, and automatically kills the Squig (as well its target if all goes according to Da Plan). Obviously, it is one use only.