Pikeman Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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T1 T1 T1 T2 T3 T4

Career Path

T1 Recruit – Brass 5

Skills: Athletics, Climb, Consume Alcohol, Dodge, Endurance, Gamble, Language (Battle), Language (Tilean), Melee (Basic), Melee (Polearm)
Talents: Drilled, Reaction Strike, Very Strong, Warrior Born
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Leather Breastplate, Leather Skullcap, Pike, Uniform in Unit Colours

T2 Pikeman – Silver 1

Skills: Cool, Gossip, Heal, Intimidate, Lore (Warfare), Outdoor Survival
Talents: Diceman, Enclosed Fighter, Etiquette (Mercenaries), Fearless (Cavalry)
Trappings: Dice, Mail Coat, Open Helm

T3 File Leader – Silver 4

Skills: Haggle, Intuition, Leadership, Perception
Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Field Dressing, Robust
Trappings: Plate Breastplate, Sash of Rank

T4 Banner Captain – Gold 1

Skills: Lore (Law), Ride (Horse)
Talents: Inspiring, Unshakable, Very Resilient, War Leader
Trappings: Baton of Rank, Banner-Bearer, Light Warhorse, Quality Uniform, Plate Bracers and Leggings, Phalanx of Pikemen, Unit Banner

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Generic article | May 28, 2024

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