Warriors in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Relying on their physical prowess, these people are all trained fighters, although they are not necessarily from the military. Warriors come from many backgrounds, both high and low Status, and all can carve out a position of influence if they live long enough.

See also: Ghost Strider, Fieldwarden, Karak Ranger, Badger Rider (Archives of the Empire Vol.1), Light Cavalryman, Freelance, Knight of the Blazing Sun, Knight of the White Wolf, Knight Panther, Archer, Halberdier, Handgunner, Greatsword, Pikeman, Siege Specialist, Priest of Myrmidia (Up in Arms), Beadle (Winds of Magic)

Homebrew: Black Guard of Morr, Bretonnian Knight, Pantry Guard, Celestial Dragon Monk, Amazon Huntress

Class Trappings

Clothing, Hand Weapon, Dagger, Pouch

Optional Expanded List

Roll 1d100


Optional Roll

01–75: Cavalryman
76–00: Light Cavalryman
01–55: Knight
56–65: Freelance
66–70: Knight of the Blazing Sun
71–85: Knight of the White Wolf
86–00: Knight Panther
01–40: Soldier
41–50: Archer
51–75: Halberdier
71–85: Handgunner
86–90: Greatsword
91–96: Pikeman
97–00: Siege Specialist
Warrior Priest
01–85: Warrior Priest
86–00: Priest of Myrmidia
Career/Class Old World
Generic article | Feb 6, 2024

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