Amazon Species in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Weapon Skill 2d10+20
Ballistic Skill 2d10+20
Strength 2d10+20
Toughness 2d10+20
Initiative 2d10+20
Agility 2d10+20
Dexterity 2d10+20
Intelligence 2d10+20
Willpower 2d10+20
Fellowship 2d10+20
Wounds SB+(2xTB)+WPB
Fate 1
Resilience 1
Extra Points 3
Movement 4

After doing so increase the two characteristics with the lowest scores by 3 each.

An Amazon starts with one Fate and one re-solve. She has three extra points to distribute.

Starting Skills and Talents

Skills: Language (Amazonian), Language (Skink), Language (Saurus), Cool, Endurance, Charm Animal, Outdoor Survival, Melee (Basic), Ranged (Blowpipe), Ranged (Bow), Lore (Lustria)

Talents: Handmaiden of the Old Ones, Strider (Jungle) or Strong Swimmer, Detect Artefact, Marksman or Warrior Born, Pure Soul
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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