Black Pit Geographic Location in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Black Pit

Valley of Many Eyes

The most revered of all Forest Goblin sites is the Black Pit, which is also called the Valley of Many Eyes.

Beyond a series of wooded hills deep in the trackless depths of the Drakwald Forest can be found this bleak and unwholesome valley. Here, the light of the sun never penetrates, and all colour seems drained from the lands. The ground is strewn with piled bones and pitmarked with the nest-lairs of spiders of enormous size. It truly is the black-heart of spiderdom in the world. Only the largest of Arachnarok Spiders make their foul dens here, gargantuan creatures whose bloated size staggers belief. When the cycles of the moons are in alignment, Arachnarok Spiders make their way to this twisted wood to breed, travelling from the forests of the Old World and beyond.

The Forest Goblins protect this land, entering it themselves only occasionally in order to drop vast amounts of sacrifices into the dark pits. They let the ancient behemoths sleep, and they wake only to feed languidly upon the mountains of sacrificial victims. Such great beasts are only fully roused in times of greatest need.
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