Bruno Malvoisin Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Bruno Malvoisin

Trapdoor Daemon

Originally from Bretonnia, he became famous in the Empire, writing in Reikspiel, becoming a resident playwright. Bruno was known to be brooding and hard to work with, even brutally hacking into the head of his theatre manager in a duel.

He fell in love with the courtesan and actress Salli Spaak, also the mistress of the Emperor's brother Prince Nikol and a cultist of Tzeentch. She added warpstone to her lovers food and soon Bruno and the others began to mutate, although only he would survive the process.

Following the production of Seduced by Slaaneshi, the play was banned by the Emperor and his work became increasingly dark, difficult and delirious and culminated in a epic verse romance that alleged the same Emperor had a she-goat as a mistress! Too mutated to live in society, he slipped away.

After his transformation and retreat from the world, he lived beneath the Beloved of Shallya theatre, what would later become the Vargr Breughel Memorial Playhouse. He infamously used Box Seven whenever a performance took place, and became known as a mostly unseen spirit that haunted the building and was invoked when production was going well or ill. Offerings were left to him on the first night of any production.

He watched many plays and became a unseen mentor to Eva Savinien.

Known Works

  • An Estalian's Treachery
  • Bold Benvolio
  • Seduced by Slaaneshi
  • The Rape of Rachael
  • The Seventh Voyage of Sigmar
  • The Tragedy of Magritta
  • Vengeance of Vaumont


Contacts & Relations

Mentee: Eva Savinien
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
'Stage Blood' by Kim Newman

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