Bretonnian Ethnicity in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Bretonnian Table:
Roll 1d100
01-07 L'Anguillian
08-14 Aquitainian
15-21 Artoin
22-28 Bastonnian
29-35 Bordelen
36-42 Brionnian
43-49 Carcassonnian
50-56 Couronnian
57-63 Gisoren
64-70 Lyonen
71-77 Montfortian
78-84 Mousillonian
85-91 Parravonese
92-98 Queneller
99-100 Bretonnian Noble (See Below)

Humans (Brettonnia General)

Skills: Animal Care, Ride (Horse), Endurance, Cool, Evaluate, Haggle, Gossip, Language (Reikspeil), Language (Estalian), Lore (Bretonnia), Melee (Basic), Ranged (Bow)

Talents: Suave or Strong back, 3 Random Talents

Humans (Brettonnian Noble)

Skills: Charm, Ride (Horse), Lore (Heraldry), Cool, Leadership, Melee (Cavalry), Gossip, Language (Reikspeil), Language (Estalian), Lore (Bretonnia), Melee (Basic), Play (any)

Talents: Noble blood or Etiquette (Nobles), 3 Random Talents

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