Clothilde of Averheim Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Clothilde of Averheim

Gravin Clothilde von Alptraum

Notoriously, her advances were rejected by Leos von Liebwitz.

Engaged to marry Prince Luitpold.
'We’ve barely a week left in Altdorf and there’s still so much we haven’t seen. Yesterday I had to postpone my jaunt to the Imperial Zoo because it was raining, and I do so want to be able to make my donation to the Hospice in person, but if I do I’ll either miss the opportunity to see the latest haul of the Sudenburg brute finders or I’ll have to rebook seats to dear Detlef’s latest drama. Decisions!'Clothilde von Alptraum, Young Noblewoman of Averland
Gravin Clothilde is a minor member of one of Averland's most important noble families, the von Alptraum. Unusually for a woman of her birth, status and age, she is unmarried and holds her title to property in her own right, not through a husband. Like the Graf Friedrich, Clothilde von Alptraum wields political influence outside the scope of what one would expect from her birth and status, but in Clothilde's case this is due to her extensive family and social connections, his charm and quick wit rather than his money. She was the subject of numerous marriage proposals, which she skillfully evaded. Among his suitors,.

Clothilde is a radiant beauty in her late twenties. She has an attractive, friendly face, an hourglass-shaped figure (accentuated by her well-tailored corsets and dresses), and long auburn curly hair tied in a high bun and held in place by a wrought-iron tiara decorated with owl feathers and the imperial cross. Clothilde is bright, cultured, curious and down to earth, and truly driven by the common good of the people of Averland. Although she was not extensively trained in the arts of war, she showed courage time and time again, including when she volunteered at a Shallyan hospice not far from the front lines, during the Third Battle of Black Fire Pass. Indeed, with the exception of a strange reluctance to marry,

Clothilde is particularly concerned with matters relating to the cults of Shallya and Verena, saying the greatest threats to the Empire are deprivation and ignorance. Perhaps that's a little hypocritical of her - the pearl necklaces and large diamond ring she wears could feed and house the destitute of Averheim for a decade.

Clothilde is not herself a candidate for Elector, and claims to find the question of succession very boring. She only states that she wants the next Count (or Countess) to be the most fit to rule, and less prone to dangerous excesses than the last - suggesting that the Leitdorf family may be as mad as their famous cousin Marius. Cynics note that Clothilde remains conveniently celibate as the struggle to become Elector continues - if the Gravin can't be the Elector herself, could she be content to be the Elector's next wife?


Late 20s
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
'Drachenfels' by Kim Newman
'Beasts in Velvet' by Kim Newman
'The Ibby the Fish factor' by Kim Newman
Altdorf: Crown of the Empire (4e WFRP)

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