Dhuoda Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Originally the fifth daughter of a Bretonnian knight, Dhuoda grew up listening to tales of the Grail Knight and their exploits. Entranced by what she heard, she deeply desired to take up sword and armour and fight for the Lady of the Lake. But, being a woman, this course was closed to her. It seemed her fate would be to marry a smelly, fat noble with warty feet. But then her father died, and her eldest brother became the lord. Instead of the fair and indulgent monarch her father was, he was a vicious tyrant, a brutal despot that loved torturing peasants and abusing his own family. Horrified by the transformation power wrought upon him, Dhuoda worked against him.

For years, she led a double-life, pretending to be the dutiful sister but secretly leading a band of Herrimaults. Things came to a head fifteen years ago when her brother, frustrated by the constant raiding, led a band of knights to crush the uprising. He killed many and learned of his sister's duplicity. Dhuoda had no choice. She fled her homeland, while her brother sullied her name and hoisted up some other poor woman to die in her place.

The surviving members of the Herrimaults vanished with her. as a group, they fled to the broken lands of the Border Princes. For five years, they struggled against Greenskin and Human alike, until finally, Dhuoda decided to forge a principality of her own. She wanted to establish a new Bretonnia, a just realm ruled by law and not a fickle whims of a tyrant like her brother. However, this task proved more difficult than she imagined, and the failures to create a land of law and virtue have worn down her ideals.

Dhuoda herself was once a very pretty noblewoman, but years of running, the hardships of the Borderlands, and her failure to raise her utopia have taken their toll. She is a strong woman with short brown hair and a long scar running down the side of her face. She is of average height with a lean body, hardened from near-constant fighting.
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