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01 The witches word shall write your doom.
02 The warmth of drink shall be blood welling from the wound.
03 Sweets and honey are to thee as blood and boils.
04 Beware of what hides in folds and ruffles.
05 A sure foot is a life continued.
06 Thou mind lingers overlong in the land of dreams.
07 Forget not the word of thou mother, nor yet the face of thou father.
08 To darkness shall a light soul be delivered.
09 Pinch closed thine nose lest the stench of death find its home.
10 Death gathers under dark clouds.
11 Open not the door knocked but once.
12 Tread not upon the roots of trees.
13 It ringeth once: peace. It ringeth twice: pleasure. It ringeth thrice: damnation.
14 Fear not the witch, but cower before the witch hunter.
15 When ice burns and fire freezes, then shall be the hour of your death.
16 Suffer not the scales in balance.
17 Beware gutters and drains for they are the edge between worlds.
18 As new life cries out, Father Morr shall welcome thee.
19 Beware the raven that lingers overlong.
20 Can you not hear the hounds in the clinking of brass coins?
21 When the beast bows its head, death shall be close behind.
22 Discard the meat of the hoofed beast — it shall be ever ash in your mouth!
23 Trust not the signs of Ranald.
24 Look but once into the mirror’s frame, for what stares out second shall come to claim.
25 Thy death shall be found in a festering warren.
26 Beware the Men that walk as Beasts. Beware the Beasts that walk as Men.
27 Step not into the houses of the Gods, for they know your name and welcome you not.
28 Beware the bed who holds no owner.
29 All the pleasures of the flesh shall be as knives in your back.
30 Let no one wake thee, for fear of what may follow.
31 Sorrow stems from soiled breeches.
32 Thy death will be ugly, and will be born of ugliness.
33 Heed not the engineer, for their artifice brings only suffering.
34 Trust not the woman who gives no name, for she hides far worse within her heart.
35 Hold thou breath under Morrsleib’s light, lest darkness take root in thou soul.
36 Thou first sip of beer shall be thine last.
37 Beware the purse that floweth over.
38 Morr shall fly a false flag, and in its shade take thee to rest.
39 Upon bright sands is both promise and blood.
40 Fear the land bereft of the gull’s cry.
41 If thine eyes close with knowledge of the unjust, they shall never again open.
42 Thy passing shall go unmourned, unremembered, and unremarked.
43 Trust not in shades of purple.
44 Never before was there one such as thee, who drowned on land and not at sea.
45 Thou shall live only whilst beholden to friends.
46 An idle mind is a feast for Ruin.
47 Thou most certainly can die from such a small thing.
48 Beware thou own mind, for it speaks to the soul of invincibility.
49 Laugh not in the face of the flatulent lest thou gut twist.
50 The horses know more than they let slip, but their moment of truth will be thy doom.
51 Linger not upon the privy, nor close thine eyes within the tub.
52 When night falls, knives move silently from their sheaths.
53 Let not thy neighbour’s belly rumble, for too quickly does hunger become murder.
54 In freezing mist shall thee be swallowed.
55 Trust not the written word, for the quill cuts deeper than any blade.
56 Thou shall die of thirst whilst surrounded by drink, hunger whilst surrounded by food.
57 Beware the launder, for the mangle shall live up to its name.
58 When the shadows pass overhead, do not look up for fear of death.
59 The number three shall end thee.
60 Thou shall float in a foam of blood before the waves take thee.
61 Sleep not beneath the twin moons, for their shadows are long and deep.
62 Avoid rot, mould, and all decay, for it knows your name and calls you kin.
63 At no baker’s hearth shall ye sit.
64 Thou shall die chained to a trusted friend.
65 When freedom bought, thine end is wrought.
66 Thy bones shall litter a foreign land.
67 No spear shall end thee, but thou will wish it did.
68 Beware the barking of hounds, especially whose source you cannot see.
69 Morr comes to thee when blue is all you see.
70 Glance not behind, for doom approaches from the front.
71 Hide not the blemish lest it fester out of sight.
72 Thine ears shall be filled with laughter before the screams.
73 Suffer not the witch to live, for they shall not suffer thee.
74 Hold thy cup in both hands, lest the Ruinous Powers takes up from thee.
75 Death shall be but blood on the vine.
76 No mortal warrior shall be thine end.
77 Trust not the strength of bridges.
78 Wipe not the tear from thine eye, for it shall be the last.
79 The songs of birds shall be the last thing you hear.
80 The latest fashions hold the newest threats.
81 Thou thinketh the one-edge blade cannot cut the wielder, but thou wouldst be wrong.
82 Violence begets violence, but peace begets death.
83 The drumming of feet shall see thee to Morr’s embrace.
84 A night without song precedes a morning without waking.
85 Pluck not water from the well, lest it pluck thee from the earth.
86 Trust not the hooting owl, for thou cannot hear them, and thus hears something else.
87 When thou feet are buried in mud, thy death will be close behind.
88 A true haunting comes in threes.
89 No bells toll when the door is ajar, but fiddlers shall dance upon thy grave.
90 Thou life undone by the smallest flea.
91 When the peasant stands triumphant shall your head separate from your shoulders.
92 Trust not the innocence of children, for their plans are far from sound.
93 Consider not the cloth of green.
94 Beware all that swims in the sea.
95 Rise not before midmorning, for thine death is early indeed.
96 Save not the needy for they shall carry thine noose.
97 False courage spells certain doom.
98 There shall be no ravens to pick upon your bones.
99 Morr sends a maiden.
00 Thy death will mark the virtuous with sin.

Character Creation
Generic article | Apr 23, 2024

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