Character Creation in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Character Creation

1) Species

Choose or roll for species to determine your species: Human, Halfling, Dwarf, High Elf or Wood Elf. Use the table “Random Species Table”
If you roll for species. Gain 20 XP if you roll and accept the first result.

Species Table

Roll 1d100
01-89 Human
90-93 Halfling
94-97 Dwarf
98 Special (Gnome/Ogre)
99 High Elf
100 Wood Elf

2) Class & Career

Roll for a random Class and Career on the table “Random Class And Career Table ”. Gain 50 XP.
Or roll twice more, giving you a total of three choices. Gain +25 XP.
Or choose Class and Career.

3) Characteristics

Step 1:
Roll 2d10 for each Characteristic and add number according to the “Attribute Table”. If you stop here gain +50 XP.
Step 2:
Rearrange the ten numbers rolled above, assigning each to a different Characteristic until you are satisfied. If you are happy gain 25 XP. If not go to step 3.
Step 3:
Roll again or simply divide 100 points among the ten Characteristics, assigning from 4 to 18 points to each. Gain no additional XP.

Advance Characteristics:
Look at the page describing your class/career (Chapter 3 in the rulebook).
  • Allocate 5 advances between the three Characteristics marked with a “+”.

4) Star Sign

This step is Optional, however if you roll 1d100 and stick with the result it gains you a further 25xp. You may also choose a Star Sign, but gain no additional xp.

5) Skills and Talents

Species Skills and Talents:
Consult the “Species Skill and Talents Table”
Select 3 skills listed for your species and gain 5 advances in each.
Select 3 other skills listed for your species and gain 3 advances in each.
Gain each talent listed for your species. If a choice is given, choose one talent (ie. “Savvy or Suave”, choose either Savvy or Suave). If “Random Talent” is listed, roll on the “Random Talents Table”.

Career Skills and Talents:
Look at the page describing your class/career (Chapter 3 in the rulebook). From the first Tier:
  • Allocate 40 advances between the 8 skills listed, with a maximum of 10 advances in any one skill.
  • Choose a single talent.

6) Trappings

Look at the page describing your class/career (Chapter 3 in the rulebook). You get all trappings listed in addition to the trappings listed in the table “Class Trappings”.
Additionally, you start with monetary wealth based on your Status Tier and Level – “Wealth Table”.
If you want to buy more (or sell what you already have!), refer to Chapter 11: Consumers’ Guide.

7) Adding Details

  • Character Name - (Name Generator)
  • Physical Details: Age, Eye Colour, Hair Colour, Height (roll on the appropriate tables).
  • Ambitions: Short-Term and Long-Term.

8) Party

  • ▪ Party Ambitions: Short-Term and Long-Term
  • Ambitions: Short-Term and Long-Term.

9) Bringing Your Character to Life

Ten Questions
  • Where are you from?
  • What is your family like?
  • What was your childhood like?
  • Why did you leave home?
  • Who are your friends?
  • What is your greatest desire?
  • What are your best and worst memories?
  • What are your religious beliefs?
  • To whom, or what, are you loyal?
  • Why are you adventuring?

10) Advancement

If you accumulated any experience during character generation, you may now spend them to increase the 3 Characteristics, 8 Skills and/or 4 Talents available to your career.

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