Felix Jaeger Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Felix Jaeger


Family Ties

Mother: Renata Jaeger
Brother: Otto Jaeger
'Trollslayer' by William King
'Skavenslayer' by William King
'Daemonslayer' by William King
'Dragonslayer' by William King
'Beastslayer' by William King
'Vampireslayer' by William King
'Giantslayer' by William King
'Orcslayer' by Nathan Long
'Manslayer' by Nathan Long
'Elfslayer' by Nathan Long
'Shamanslayer' by Nathan Long
'Zombieslayer' by Nathan Long
'Road of Skulls' by Josh Reynolds
'The Serpent Queen' by Josh Reynolds
'City of the Damned' by David Guymer
'Kinslayer' by David Guymer
'Slayer' by David Guymer

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