Otto Jaeger Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Otto Jaeger

Otto is Felix's brother, a prosperous merchant with a wife and children living in Nuln. He chose to become part of the family business, Jaeger & Sons, as opposed to Felix who is often regarded as the 'black sheep' of the family.

When Gotrek and Felix arrive in Nuln for the first time after their early adventures Otto is willing to help Felix out, though sometimes grudgingly. He bails the pair out of jail after they are arrested for assaulting the captain of the sewer watch, refers Felix and Elissa to Doctor Drexler when they fall ill and pays the doctor's bills. Shortly before the skaven invasion of the city Felix warns Otto and his wife that they should leave, but Otto decides to stay and prospers during the years afterwards when Gotrek and Felix are away adventuring. When Felix and Otto are reunited many years later Otto shows himself to be still supportive of his runaway brother, though sceptical of his adventures, the accounts of which are being published through their father's company as entertaining novels. During their second period together Felix and Otto's relationship deteriorates, Felix's investigations into a Chaos cult endangering Otto and his family. After the death of their father Otto is enraged to see Felix once more, though Felix is able to make some recompense by tracking down a man named Hans who is blackmailing Otto with a letter supposedly detailing illegal trade their father was involved in.


Family Ties

Mother: Renata Jaeger
Brother: Felix Jaeger
Current Location
Year of Birth
2476 IC 47 Years old
Current Residence
'Skavenslayer' by William King

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