Flagellant Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
T1 T1 T1 T3 T2 T4

Career Path

T1 Zealot — Brass 0

Skills: Dodge, Endurance, Heal, Intimidate, Intuition, Lore (Sigmar), Melee (Flail), Outdoor Survival
Talents: Berserk Charge, Frenzy, Read/Write, Stone Soup
Trappings: Flail, Tattered Robes

T2 Flagellant — Brass 0

Skills: Art (Icons), Athletics, Cool, Language (Classical), Lore (The Empire), Ranged (Sling)
Talents: Hardy, Hatred (Heretics), Flagellant, Implacable
Trappings: Placard, Religious Symbol, Sling

T3 Penitent — Brass 0

Skills: Charm, Language (any), Lore (Theology), Perception
Talents: Field Dressing, Furious Assault, Menacing, Seasoned Traveller
Trappings: Religious Relic

T4 Prophet of Doom — Brass 0

Skills: Entertain (Speeches), Leadership
Talents: Battle Rage, Fearless (Heretics), Frightening, Impassioned Zeal
Trappings: Book (Religion), Followers (including Penitents, Flagellants, and Zealots)

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Generic article | Apr 19, 2024

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