Fritz von Halstadt Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Fritz von Halstadt

The head of Elector-Countess Emmanuelle of Nuln's secret police. Utterly dedicated to rooting out mutants and Chaos-supporters from the city, Fritz adopted a 'lesser of two evils' attitude and used skaven allies to gather intelligence. This, plus his secret love for the Countess, allowed the skaven to manipulate him into arresting and executing strong figures who would hinder the skaven's planned invasion of the city. His corruption ultimately uncovered by Gotrek and Felix, the duo broke into his house through the sewers and Felix slew him a duel.
Current Status
Chief Magistrate of Nuln's Secret Police [Deceased]
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Felix Jaeger (Officially killed by Skaven)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
'Skavenslayer' by William King

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