House von Pfeifraucher Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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House von Pfeifraucher

The stress of the conflict between Count Bruno Pfeifraucher and his liege, Grand Countess Emmanuelle von Liebewitz, over his sending troops to aid Stirland during the recent Civil War, has left the elder noble exhausted and compelled to retreat to his estates near Grissenwald. Although Count Bruno remains the nominal ruler of his holdings, more of the day-to-day governance has been turned over to his grand-daughter and designated heir, Baroness Etelka Pfeifraucher. The Baroness’ activities in the Barony of Südlichmark to the far south have earned her the affectionate title of “Countess Etelka.”

The decision to name his first-born son’s (Erich, died in 2508) daughter as heir is not without controversy within the family. In addition to threatening war, Both Heinrich (second son) and Friedrich (third) have appealed to the Grand Countess to protect their rights of inheritance over that of their late-brother’s daughter and void their father’s will.

The Countess has not yet decided her course of action, but it is expected she will summon all concern parties to Nuln before hostilities break out and the point of no return reached.

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