Kemperbad City Council Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Kemperbad City Council

Council of Thirteen

Thanks to the grant of the Imperial Charter from Emperor Boris I Hohenbach in 1066 IC, Kemperbad is an autonomous trading town or "freiburg." This means it is independent of the Reikland's feudal lords and answerable only to the emperor himself. A Council of Thirteen governs the town. Its members are elected by the most influential guilds and families of the town. The emperor retains the right to appoint or dismiss any of the town's councillors, but has never done so.

Kemperbad has become very wealthy through trade, and all kinds of goods may be found here. In theory, the removal of any liege lord, and their accompanying tax demands, should reduce the cost of living in the town. In practice everything costs about as much as elsewhere, as the town's council has simply increased the local taxes and tolls. Therefore, Kemperbad is cleaner and better maintained than some other Imperial towns, as the council can afford to keep the streets in good order.


  • Kemperbad

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