Langwald Settlement in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Baron Erich von Langwald rules the Barony from the village of Langwald, perched on the eastern slopes of the Leithag Hills. The Barony lies uncomfortably close to Hunger Wood and the cursed province of Sylvania. Langwald nominally controls the lowlands between the Leithag Hills to the west, Hunger Wood to the east, the Haunted Hills to the south and the lands ruled by the Abbott of Siegfriedhof to the north. In practice, this vast, sparsely populated valley is given over to outcasts and worse.


The Leithag Mark originally included all of the lands between the Hundsheimer Wald, River Stir, Haunted Hills, and Sylvania. The area was once inhabited by the Fennone tribe before the rule of Sigmar. In the years following the crowning of Sigmar as Emperor, the Fennone leader Fraomar ruled eastern Stirland for a brief period. The capital of his kingdom was located roughly where the village of Langwald is found today.

Over the centuries, the Margraves of Zipf have divided the eastern parts of the Mark into separate baronies: Enzes-Eucken and Langwald. The purpose of this division was twofold: to reward loyal servants with titles and land, and to create a barrier between Zipf and the County of Sylvania.

In the years following the Great Plague of 1111, a host led by Grand Prince Mandred von Schilderland of Reikland engaged the necromancer Vanhal in the barony of Langwald. Still today, dark legends retell the horrors of the battle, and of the shallow resting places of those who fell in the carnage.
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