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Lizardmen Careers


Role in Lizardman Society


Chameleon Skink

Physician The Skink equivalent to the regular career. 01–03
Scholar Skink scholars are less interested in innovating new understandings of a subject, or analysing existing schools of thought. They are more suited to the administration of temple-cities, but they can grow knowledgeable of local archives for the benefit of their Slann masters. Any Skink who generates a Scholar Character may choose to be an Interpreter instead. 04–07
Wizard This career can be used to represent the Skink Priest archetype. If you have access to Winds of Magic, you may prefer to use the Astromancer, Druid, or Shaman careers instead. 08
Artisan Skink Artisans maintain the temple cities and create artefacts of wood, beaten metal, and stone. They tend to find the smelting of metal an alien concept, but their own work is often of equivalent quality to Human smiths. 09–13
Merchant Accruing wealth is an alien concept to Lizardmen. However, they still need to manage the production and movement of goods, even if they do so in a spirit of altruism. Occasionally, a temple-city facing shortfalls will haggle with its neighbours, though usually for promises of future cooperation in return, rather than payment. Some rare Skinks also trade with warm-bloods. 14–16
Townsman Skinks in the barrios of the temple-cities tend to involve themselves in the distribution of food and other resources. 17–33
Envoy Rare Skinks may be allotted roles to approach the administrators of other temple-cities for news or favours. They may even appeal to warm-blooded creatures on occasion. 34–36
Noble This Career stands in for those rare individuals destined to be Skink chiefs. 37 01
Servant Many Skinks fulfil the role of Servant, and busy themselves with cleaning the temple-cities, attending to other Lizardmen, and carrying out simple administrative duties. 38–50
Herbalist These Skinks are typically tasked with finding ingredients for use by Physicians, but may learn a little healing art as they develop. 51–53
Hunter A common role for Skinks, tasked with acquiring meat in peace time, and forming cohorts of skirmishing troops in war. 54–60
Miner Skinks make use of copper and precious metals, and operate many mines in the Spine of Sotek and Grey Guardian mountain ranges. 61–64
Mystic An option for a more feral sort of Skink Priest that may be encountered in wilder Skink communities. Any Skink who generates a Mystic Character may choose to be an Oracle instead. 65
Scout Whilst they are at home in Lustria, even Lizardman forces and expeditions benefit from Scouts. 66–69 02–100
Villager Skinks in more isolated communities may either be cut off from the temple-cities, or support them through the raising of crops or livestock. 70–85
Entertainer Although Lizardmen find the concept of entertainment rather alien, they do still indulge in music, dance, and theatrics for ceremonial and martial purposes. 86–88
Messenger Communication between Lizardman sites is mostly carried out via telepathic contact, but a cadre of messengers is on call for less important messages, or as an emergency contingency. 89–92
Boatman Given that Skinks (and Kroxigor) are strong swimmers, much ferrying, fishing, and transportation is achieved without the need for a boat. However, a cadre of Skinks with the skills to manage a boat are kept by most large Lizardman communities. 92–94
Huffer A small cadre of Skinks will be tasked with ensuring that temple-cities are kept abreast of changes in the flows of local rivers, or condition of local coasts. 95
Outlaw To be outside the law has little meaning to Skinks, though there may be those who are spawned beyond the knowledge of the Slann, and whose feral lives bear some equivalence to Human bandits. 96–97
Soldier Committed Skink soldiery are rare, as it is the preserve of the Saurus, but some, particularly those marked by Sotek, devote themselves to the cohorts with military discipline. 98–100

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