Oberhau Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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The Oberhau (The cut from below)

The fencing society known as the Oberhau is one of Nuln's oldest and most secretive institutions. It was established over three centuries ago by the reveres swordsman, Hans Liechtenauer. In his day, Liechtenauer was a duellist of unparalleled excellence. It is clamed that his flash blade felled over twelve hundred men in single combat. In fact, such was the daring nature of his exploits that many ballads and poems were dedicated to his memory. In the hills south of Salzenmund, a crumbling marble likeness of Liechtenauer can still be found, rearing proudly out of a clump of gorse bushes with a rakish grin on its weather-beaten face. The statue commemorates the day he saved the Elector Count's honour by slaying fifteen elven champions in turn.

In the centuries since his death, Liechtenauer's memory has been kept alive by the members of the Oberhau. At the school in Nuln, the study and hone the techniques he developed, constantly on the look out for chances to display their graceful, deadly skills. The society guards its secrecy closely, but nobles considered worthy may be offered membership and a chance to be inducted into to this ancient fraternity.

Few suspect that the society's secrecy is due to anything more then simple elitism, but the truth of the matter is far more sinister. Liechtenauer's skills were never achived through mere mortal powers. His speed and agility were obtained through a pact with the Dark Gods, and upon reaching the highest echelons of the Oberhau, the school's members must enter into the same pact - selling their verry soul to the Blood God, Khorne, so that they may achieve unnatural levels of martial excellence. Initiates are often unaware of the Dark Master they serve, because the preceptors of the order delude new inductees by claiming that the society pays tribute to Myrmidia.

Social, Brotherhood
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Witch Hunters Handbook by Darius Hinks

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