Priest of Myrmidia Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Priest of Myrmidia

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
T1 T4 T2 T3 T1 T1

Career Path

T1 First Eagle – Silver 2

Skills: Cool, Dodge, Language (Battle), Leadership, Lore (Warfare), Lore (Theology), Melee (Basic), Melee (Polearm), Perception, Pray
Talents: Bless (Myrmidia), Combat Aware, Etiquette (Cultists), Read/Write
Trappings: Myrmidian Holy Book, Leather Jerkin, Myrmidian Icon, White Robes, Spear

T2 Warrior Priest – Silver 3

Skills: Charm, Entertain (Speeches), Heal, Intuition, Melee (Any), Ranged (Any)
Talents: Drilled, Inspiring, Invoke (Myrmidia), Shieldsman
Trappings: Breastplate & Helmet, Shield

T3 Priest Sergeant – Silver 4

Skills: Lore (Any), Melee (Any), Research, Trade (Weaponsmith or Armourer)
Talents: Bookish, Holy Visions, Pure Soul, Stouthearted
Trappings: Full Plate Armour

T4 Priest Captain – Silver 5

Skills: Animal Care, Ride (Horse)
Talents: Combat Master, Combat Reflexes, Fearless (Any), Warleader
Trappings: Religious Relic (Myrmidian)

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Generic article | May 28, 2024

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