Random Talents in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Random Talents

Random Talents Table:

Roll 1d100
01–03 Acute Sense (any one)
04–06 Ambidextrous
07–09 Animal Affinity
10–12 Artistic
13–15 Attractive
16–18 Coolheaded
19–21 Craftsman (any one)
22–24 Flee!
25–28 Hardy
29–31 Lightning Reflexes
32–34 Linguistics
35–38 Luck
39–41 Marksman
42–44 Mimic
45–47 Night Vision
48–50 Nimble Fingered
51–52 Noble Blood
53–55 Orientation
56–58 Perfect Pitch
59–62 Pure Soul
63–65 Read/Write
66–68 Resistance (any one)
69–71 Savvy
72–74 Sharp
75–78 Sixth Sense
79–81 Strong Legs
82–84 Sturdy
85–87 Suave
88–91 Super Numerate
92–94 Very Resilient
95–97 Very Strong
98–00 Warrior Born

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