Skin Wolf Species in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Skin Wolf

Many are the foul cults of Chaos, and many are the dark horrors of twisted flesh and nightmares made real that the Ruinous Powers have visited upon the world; few though are as strange as the Skin Wolves of legend. In the far north among those who dwell in the shadow of Chaos, be they Norscan, Kurgan or Hung, as well as the shunned corners of the world where degenerates root and fester such as the Bone Hills of Estalia or the dire fens south of the Badlands, myths and bloody tales speak of the Skin Wolves. Witchcursed and Chaos-tainted, these men and women, halfferal and subject to savage appetites, carry within them a taint in the blood, a mutation that shows not readily as stigmata on their flesh, but slumbers within, a beast waiting to be unleashed by blood and unspeakable ritual.

When this horror is released, no mere transformation of man into beast is affected. Instead the humanoid wolfthing, lean and half insane with insatiable hunger, rips its way fully formed from the body of the man, which is left little more than shredded flaps of skin and chunks of bloody gristle by the fleeing of the monster. It is these clinging shrouds of skin that give the beasts their common name. These frenzied creatures, whose packs are formed by kinship ties of bloodline and slaughter, care not what they kill in their bloodlust and bear no loyalty to any master, save the Dark Gods themselves. So it is that only the most unscrupulous Wizard would seek to bind them to their will by Kadon's magic, and some that have done so have had cause to lament their choice of ally. Only once battle is spent and a Skin Wolf has glutted itself on the raw and dripping gore of its enemies will the terrible transformation be reversed and the bubbling and overworked flesh of the Skin Wolf collapse, then like a new-born the human must tear its way out of the monster it once was.

"To be chosen by Tchar to receive his blessing and thus becoming one of the Were is not a thing to be taken lightly. It is an honour beyond all others, though at times a heavy burden. Those marked with the strength to fully transform are always destined for lordship and greatness among my people. I received Tchar 's touch upon me two winters after my beard had filled in. During a battle with some Graelings, I felt the urge to bury my teeth in my foe ’s throat and so I did. His warm blood coursed over my tongue, pouring down onto my armour and I howled my victory to the skies. It was only after he fell lifeless at my feet that I realised my jaw was a foot longer than it had been at the start of the fight to say nothing of the brown fur on my muzzle. The changes receded as the battle din faded, but now they come at my call. Some of the other Were have lost the ability to still walk as men, but not I. At least, not yet. Were who hear the call of the beast too strongly must be confined until they are needed. Perhaps one day I too will howl for blood from the high caves and await ever the chance to kill for my people, but not today."
– Sorgrim Olafsson, Bjornling Warrior
TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Beast.
SPECIAL RULES: Frenzy, Regeneration (5+), Will of Chaos.


Mark of Khorne: The unit's models gain the Strength Bonus (1) special rule when charging.
Mark of Tzeentch: The unit's Regeneration increases to (4+).
Mark of Nurgle: The unit's models gain the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
Mark of Slaanesh: The unit's models gain the Always Strikes First special rule.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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