Slayer Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
T1 T1 T2 T4 T3 T1

Career Path

T1 Troll Slayer — Brass 2

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Gamble, Heal, Lore (Trolls), Melee (Basic)
Talents: Dual Wielder, Fearless (Everything), Frenzy, Slayer
Trappings: Axe, Flask of Spirits, Shame, Tattoos

T2 Giant Slayer — Brass 2

Skills: Evaluate, Intimidate, Language (Battle), Lore (Giants), Melee (Two-handed), Outdoor Survival
Talents: Hardy, Implacable, Menacing, Reversal
Trappings: Great Axe, Jewellery, Troll’s Head

T3 Dragon Slayer — Brass 2

Skills: Entertain (Storytelling), Lore (Dragons), Perception, Ranged (Thrown)
Talents: Ambidextrous, Furious Assault, Relentless, Robust
Trappings: Giant’s Head, Throwing Axes

T4 Daemon Slayer — Brass 2

Skills: Intuition, Lore (Chaos)
Talents: Combat Master, Frightening, Strike Mighty Blow, Very Strong
Trappings: Dragon’s Head

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Generic article | May 28, 2024

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