Foxspeak is the native language of the Foxlings and is used by various creatures all across the Mountains for communication. It shares relations with Ka'aian, and has influenced it greatly. 80% of the vocabulary found in Foxspeak is borrowed from Oldspeak.
Writing System
The Foxlings use a simple alphabet known as the Foxling-Script to write their native language. The alphabet is inspired by the writings left behind by the Overlords. The script has 29 letters: "A", "B", "J", "G", "D", "Y", "Ch", "Zh", "X", "Sh", "Th", "E", "V", "W", "H", "I", "Qu", "L", "N", "M", "O", "K", "P", "R", "S", "U", "T", "Z" and "F".
Geographical Distribution
The syllable-structure can be quite complex, with both initial and final consonant clusters of up to four consecutive sounds. Using a formula with V standing for the nucleus (vowel) and C for each consonant, the structure can be described as follows: (C)(C)(C)(C)V(C)(C)(C)(C)
Sounds are rather simple and straight. (E.g. the ch for /tʃ/, sh for /ʃ/, th for /θ/ð/, ng for /ŋ/, qu for /kw/, and ph for /f/). The main phonemes include b, ch, d, f, g, h, dʒ, k, l, m, n, p, qu, r, s, sh, t, v, w, z and zh.
The syntax is moderately analytic. It has developed features such as modal-verbs and word-order as resources for conveying meaning. Auxiliary-verbs mark constructions such as questions, negative polarity, the passive voice and progressive aspect.
appy- apology
babuska- old woman
baddiwad - bad
banda- band
barridrome- prison
bedways- to bed
bezumnyj - mad, crazy
biblioteka- library
bitva- battle
Bog- God
bogman- godman
bolnoyj- sick
bolshyoj- big, great
boorjoyce- bourgeois
brat, bratty- brother
bv’nebrachnyj- bastard
britva- razor
brjuxo- belly
brosay, brosaj- to throw
bogatyj- riches
bugatty- rich
cabli- blood vessels, tendons
kal- crap
kakner- cigarette
kontora- office
karman- pocket
cai- tea
chasha- cup
chassovoj- guard
czenshchina- woman
cheest- to wash
chelloveck- person, man, fellow
chepooka- nonsense
choodessny- wonderful
chumble- to mumble
clockwork- mechanically responsive
clopfen- to knock
cluve- beak
colokol- bell
crack- to break up, smash
crark- to howl
crast- steal, rob, robbery
creechat- to shout, scream
cutter- money
dama- lady
decrep- elder
ded, dedooska - old man
deng- money
devotchka- young woman
dobryj- good
dook - trace, ghost
domy- house
dorogoj- dear, valuable, expensive
dratsja- fighting
drencrom - drug
druug- friend
druzheljubno- friendly
dung- to defecate
dva- two
eegra- game
eemjya- name
giweg- egg
ma- mother
rapido- train
fag- tire, exhaust
faggy/fagged- tired, exhausted
fashed- bothered, annoyed, tired
filly- to play or fool around with
filmdrome- cinema
firegold- strong drink
fist- to punch
flatblock- block of flats
flip- wild
forella- trout
fuzzy- scratchy
gazetta- newspaper
glazz, glazzies, glazzballs- eye, eyes
gloopy- stupid
golly- unit of money
goloss- voice
goober- lip
gooly- to walk
gorlo- throat
govoreet- speak
grahzny- dirty
grazzy- soiled
gromky- loud
gruppa- group
guff- laugh
gulliver- head
guttiwuts- guts
hen-korm- chickenfeed
horn- to cry out
hororsho- good, well, wonderful, excellent
interessovat- to interest
itty- to go
jammiwam- music
jeezny- life
kartoffel- potatoes
kashl- cough
keeshkas- guts
kisa- girl
kleb- bread
klootch- key
knopka- button
knopkavat- buttoning
kopat- to 'dig' (appreciate)
korova- cow
koshka, kot- cat, tomcat
koshtoom- clothing
krovvy- blood
kupet- to buy
lapa- paw
lewdies- people
litso- face
lomtick- piece, bit
luna- moon
loveted- caught
ijubit- to love
malchick- boy
malenky- little, tiny
maskie- mask
maslo- butter
merzky- filthy
messel- thought, fancy
mesto- place
mewler (or: mowler)- to scream
millicents- police
minoota- minute
molodoy- young
moloko- milk
moodge- man
morder- snout
mounch- snack
mozg- brain
nachinat- to begin
nadmennyj- arrogant
nadsat- teenage
nagoj- naked
nazzad- fool
nizhneje- underpants
nochy- night/nocturnal
nogas- feet, legs (also used in reference to cars)
nozh- knife
nuki- smelling
odinokij- on one's own
odin- one
okno- window
oubivat- to kill
ookadeet- to leave
ookso- ear
oomnyj- brainy
oozhassnyj- terrible
oozy- chain
orang- man, person
osoosh- to wipe
otchkies- eyeglasses
patra - father
papuuz- baby
peet- to drink
pishcha- food
platch- to cry
platties- clothes
pletcho- shoulder
plenny- prisoner
plesk- splash
plosh- to splash
plott- body
podoska- pillow
polezny- useful
polyclef- skeleton key
poni- to understand
poogly- frightened
pooshka- gun
prestoopnik- criminal
privodeet- to lead somewhere
ptitsa- girl
pyahnitsa- drunk
rabota- work
radostyj- joy
raskazzj- story
rassoodock- mind
raz- time
razdraz- annoy/annoyed
razrez- to rip, ripping
rookerful- handful
rook, rooker- arm, hand
rozzer- knight
sapog- shoe
saksar- sugar
samoye- generous
scoteena- beast, cow
shaika- gang
shalp- female
shest- barrier
shilarny- concern
shive- slice
shiyah- neck
shlem- helmet
shlaga- club, bat
shlagnicked- clubbed
shlapa- hat
shoom- noise
shuut- fool
shvat- take
skazat- to say
skolliwoll- school
skorry- quick, quickly
skriking- scratching
skvat- to grab
sladkvat- sweetest
sladky- sweet
sloochat- to happen
sloosh, slooshy- to hear, to listen
slovo- word
smeck- laugh
smot- to look
sneety- dream
snoutie- tobacco
sobirat- to pick up
soomka- old woman
soviet- advice, order
spatchka- to sleep
synthemesc- drug
talija- waist
tashtook- handkerchief
tasse- cup
tocker- heart
timps- drums
tolchock- push, hit
toofli- slippers
thress- three
vareet- to cook up
vaysay- washroom
veck- person, man, fellow
vehina- wine
vellocet- drug
veshch- thing
viddyet- see
vino- wine (also used as blood)
vont- smell
vred- to harm or damage
yahma- hole
yahoodi- Elves
yahzick- tongue
yeckate- to drive
zammechat- remarkable
zasnoot- sleep
zheena- wife
zoobies- teeth
zvonock- doorbell
zvook- sound
zamok- lock
Root Languages
Successor Languages
Common Phrases
"Ropa kimatj polumerkot, ryhlo zakureshchat voryhany."
[("When the rooster crows, all logic is lost to the chickens") an old proverb meaning "people will do anything to be better than other people"]
"Da pozagorbil basve slemzitj, astona basvinska uhalila driabotnicej."
("Society is built on the backs of civilized folk, but it is the fools that rule the world.")
"Nogoli dag tvoja reisa pa otsuda."
("With thee do I plight my troth.")
"Moja tvoja pa vater kasstom."
("A man's mind is his only free thing.")
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