Halaster Blackcloack

Mad Mage

Halaster, the Mad Mage of Undermountain, is the individual behind most of the traps and horrors found in the great dungeon under Waterdeep. Undermountain is his home, an amusement gallery in which others perform to entertain him.

It seems that Halaster knows the ever-changing ways of Undermountain as no one else does, for he is the one who controls those changes.

It is said Halaster’s abilities far exceed those of most mortal wizards. His expertise with magic gates allows him to travel far and wide to engage in magical research. Halaster’s gates connect the different levels of Undermountain.

Halaster’s true form is that of a tall, gaunt, male human, but he uses magic to take on many other visages and shapes.  

Party History

  • Manshoon lost his arm in a fight with Halaster
  • Manshoon mentioned that a "harridan" of Halaster hired or somehow compelled him to find something the dragon was protecting. Some kind of shard.
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