
Undermountain is a multi-tiered dungeon, comprised of several inter-connected chambers and lairs located deep beneath the city of Waterdeep and its namesake mountain. Originally home to the dwarves of Clan Melairkyn, the Underhalls were home to a grand dwarfhold before they were taken over by the "Mad Mage" Halaster Blackcloak and his seven apprentices.    
Have you not heard the tales of the Mad Mage of Undermountain? The dwarves built the passages under the mountain long ago, but they've belonged to Halaster for the last thousand years. He toys with anyone who enters the dungeon; the deeper you go, the more dangerous his games. -Durnan


  • The Yawning Portal Built atop the ruins of Halaster's Hold, The Yawning Portal Inn contained the only publicly known entrance into Undermountain: a large well that dropped down into Undermountain's Dungeon Level.

Levels the party has encountered

  • First Level: straight-forward dungeon - traveled quickly thanks to Mirt's maps
  • Second Level: only saw a bit - saw signs the level was full of arcane studies/laboratories. Also full of goblins.
  • Fourth Level - caverns with a wide, fast-moving river cutting through it. Inhabitants include drow, kuo-toa, a woman driven made and mentally tortured by a demon, and some kind of underwater dragon that have driven the kuo-toa from their home.

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