
The Harpers is an old organization that has risen, been shattered, and risen again several times. Its longevity and resilience are largely due to its decentralized, grassroots, secretive nature, and the near-autonomy of many of its members. The Harpers have “cells” and lone operatives throughout Faerûn, although they interact and share information with one another from time to time as needs warrant. The Harpers' ideology is noble, and its members pride themselves on their integrity and incorruptibility. Harpers do not seek power or glory, only fair and equal treatment for all.

Harper agents are trained to act alone and depend on their own resources. When they get into scrapes, they don’t count on their fellow Harpers to rescue them. Nevertheless, Harpers are dedicated to helping one another in times of need, and friendships between Harpers are nigh unbreakable. Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use various guises and secret identities to form relationships, cultivate their information networks, and manipulate others into doing what needs to be done. Although most Harpers prefer to operate in the shadows, there are exceptions.


Rank 1: Watcher
Faction Pin: You are given a small silver pin depicting a harp between the horns of a crescent moon. This functions as an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location. While wearing this Amulet, you are hidden from Divination magic. You can't be targeted by such magic or perceived through magical Scrying sensors.

Rank 2: Harpshadow
Faction resources: You gain access to faction caches throughout the realm and resources. You can call in favors from members to consult on lore, research, access resources or knowledge that pertain to your faction not available to the public—artifacts, magic items, research or spell books, gear, etc.   Faction Training: Your character can take advantage of accelerated training programs for tool kits and one skill most often used by your faction. This training comes at a lesser cost than usual tool training, taking half as long (125 downtime days), but you must pay an additional 125 gp as a training expense for each proficiency.
Tools: Musical Instrument, Calligrapher’s supplies, or Disguise Kit
Skill: Investigation or Perception

Rank 3: Brightcandle
City Eye: You are offered a City Eye. This NPC can be put in charge of staying or working at one place within a 10 miles radio. They will stay at that place all day long or until the player meets them and select a new location. Once a day, roll a Wisdom (Perception) check for the City eye. The DM will establish what information you gather from it if any. Any information gathered by the City Eye will be informed to higher-ranked Harper members. The City Eye’s life lies in your hands and you may be punished if harm may come their way. The City Eye uses the commoner stat block with a Perception of +3.

Rank 4: Wise Owl
Master of Disguise: You will be offered an intensive course on how to disguise yourself (become proficient in disguise kit or double your proficiency if you already are proficient), as well as the chance of renting costumes (makeup included) for 5 gp, which will be refunded when the costume is returned. In case of needing an elaborate costume or clothing, you may need to ask for it in advance, to have it made as soon as possible. You may ask for these kinds of disguises in any of the Harper affiliated locales. Whoever disguises the Wise Owl member must make a Dexterity Disguise Kit Check (Harper NPCs have a +6 on these rolls).

Improved armament: As a Wise Owl, you will be offered a Cloak of Elvenkind. Your Harper pin now also permanently has a Mind Shielding function. While wearing this ring, you are immune to magic that allows other creatures to read your thoughts, determine whether you are lying, know your Alignment, or know your creature type. Creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if you allow it. You can use an action to cause the ring to become Invisible until you use another action to make it visible, until you remove the ring, or until you die.

Rank 5: High Harper
Fountain of Knowledge: When you acquire the High Harper rank, you gain access to the great Harper archives, hidden in many cities. You can spend a day in one of these to research a specific topic. You may ask your DM 5 questions, whose answers may be hidden in the archives, and the DM must answer truthfully.   Improved armament: Your Harper ring now also grants a permanent resistance to the following damage: psychic, necrotic, poison.

Public Agenda

To gather information throughout Faerûn, discern the political dynamics within each region or realm, and promote fairness and equality by covert means. Act openly as a last resort. Thwart tyrants and any leader, government, or group that grows too powerful.
Information Network
Notable Members


  1. One can never have too much information.
  2. Too much power leads to corruption.
  3. No one should be powerless.


Due to their diametrically opposed world views, the Harpers have been at odds with the Zhentarim since they became aware of the network's existence.


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