
Tearulai is a unique, intelligent longsword that was originally crafted by a powerful elf of Myth Drannor. The party found it in Undermountain on the 4th level in Wyllowwood, stuck in a green dragon's head, where it seemed to have taken over the dragon's consciousness.  
The sword Tearulai shines with a faint green radiance. It is beautifully crafted, with a blade of pure emerald and a hilt of platinum. Complementing the blade, its pommel was inset with three smaller emeralds. The sword possesses exceptional intelligence along with a strong and charismatic personality. It is exceptionally vain and had a particular fondness for valuable gems, seeking to improve its appearance by adding more exquisite decorations to its scabbard. It greatly admires fine art and poetry and longs to return home to Myth Drannor within the forests of Cormanthor.   In the recent past, the sword has been recovered by an adventurer. When this individual found themself in a battle with the green dragon Valdemar, they thrust Tearulai into the skull of the young dragon, but failed to slay the beast. The malevolent dragon, which had been used as a guardian of sorts by the druid Wyllow, had a significant change of heart (or perhaps mind) after the intelligent sword became implanted within its head. The sword and dragon became joined and Valdemar began to refer to itself as "Tearulai". While it was unknown if the sword's intelligence affected the dragon, or the two consciousnesses merged as one, this unification had a profound effect on its personality. From then on, the dragon Tearulai enjoyed a peaceful coexistence with Wyllow and became a harmonious presence within the ecosystem of Wyllowwood. However, while the sword was stuck in the skull of the dragon, its magical properties were suppressed.
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