Xanathar's Guild

The Xanathar Thieves' Guild is an organized crime syndicate that operates in and around Waterdeep. Members are involved in drugs, extortion, blackmail, gambling, and smuggling. They have long been at war with the Zhentarim, but lately this war has spilled out into the streets of Waterdeep.   The guild is ruled by Xanathar, a shadowy beholder that very few people other than guild members and the City Watch know exist.
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  • The Xanathars took Floon from the Zhentarims (by mistake, probably: meant to take Renaer) and left some Kenku (bird men) that Renaer had to hide from who were charged with taking care of anyone who came back. So, they might be after the same things as the Zhentarim (about his father embezzling money, the “Stone of Golorr”)
  • Xanathar have a holding in the sewers, and that’s where they took Floon.
  • They have a Mind Flayer who was part of questioning Floon, who doesn’t seem to be the leader, and who left before the battle to save Floon.
  • They have a laboratory that contains some kind of sentient, violent silver liquid, which we trapped.
  • They have an Intellect Devourer (brains with claws) that escaped (we only killed one of the two we saw, so at least one is still out there).


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