Stone of Golorr

The stone is a small, long oval shaped greenish-gray glossy stone that has three depressions in its center that look to fit small circular objects. It fits in an average humanoid's palm. It seems that somehow this is the key to finding the 500,000 gp Dagult Neverember hid when he fled the city.

The party came into possession of the stone during the events of Attack on Gralhund Villa. They detected traces of magic on the stone, but it's currently inert.

They learned from Lord Victoro Cassalanter that the stone is somehow related to aboleths (massive fish-like abberations that are said to have psionic powers). It seems the stone possesses the ability to erase a piece of knowledge from existence. The party believes when the eyes are restored to the stone it will reveal hidden information, presumably the location to Neverember's vault containing 500,000 gp.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Eye 1

Stolen from Renaer Neverember by the Zhentarim during The Kidnapping of Floon Blagmaar. Before they could take it back to Manshoon, it was stolen by the Xanathar's Guild and given to the Xanathar's pet fish who promptly ate it. The party snuck into the Xanathar's Lair during Xanathar's Guild Heist where they found Jarlaxle Baenre also attempting to steal the eye. Jarlaxle and his drow compatriots nabbed the eye and ran off.
Currently in possession of Jarlaxle.

Eye 2

Taken by Manshoon's Zhentarim from an unknown source and hidden inside his extra-dimensional sanctum within Kolat Towers. Stolen by the party during Manshoon's Deal.
Currently in possession of the party.

Eye 3

Taken by Lord Victoro Cassalanter and Lady Ammalia Cassalanter from an unknown source.
Currently in possession of the Cassalanters.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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