Halruaan Language

Halruaan (sometimes spelled Halruan) was a regional language of South Faerûn and the official language of the magocracy of Halruaa and the island of Nimbral.

Related languages

Halruaan was essentially a modern dialect of ancient Netherese. It was part of the Ulou language family. Halruaan was in the same linguistic family as Ruathlek, the secret language of Nimbral illusionists of Leira.

Writing System

Literate speakers of Halruaan used the Draconic alphabet, as their ancestors did with Netherese and Loross.

Geographical Distribution

Descendants of the Netheril Empire, the people of Halruaa spoke a language that evolved from ancient Netherese. Other places Halruaan was commonly spoken included the Channath Vale, Dambrath, the Golden Water, Lapaliiya, Luiren, Nimbral, and the Shaar. Among nonhuman races, strongheart halflings also sometimes spoke this language.

Root Languages
Common Female Names
Aithe, Alaethe, Chalan, Oloma, Phaele, Sarade, and Vosthyl
Common Male Names
Aldym, Chand, Hostegym, Meleghost, Presmer, Sandrue, Tethost, or Uregaunt
Common Unisex Names
Avhoste, Darants, Gedreghost, Maurmeril, Stamaraster, and Zorastryl


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