Metaphysical / Paranormal event
Getting Settled in to our new home we find that it comes with some baggage that needs to be dealt with first.
We’re in Troll Skull Manor Ulric Evilslayer: Nobel by birth. Lawful good human Palidin. Hanzon plots Vult’s death. We have options on how to invest! A recent economic boom has lead to more shops starting to open! Give us a quest! Local Carpenter’s Guild person heard we recently acquired the house. Want to help us fix it up. Chula pets the dog. The dog walks around Dog give us a quotes of 1000 gold to get it up and running, 250 gold for the work. Joanna funds the 250g deposit for the work. Beds and Bedding => 1 hp restored in short rests => ?g Neverending magical beer tap => Upgrade something something => 50g/month Upgrade the security, vaults and such => Install a barracks, shrines, laboratories, spyworks, secret exit Team agrees to do the basics and 4 workers magically appears Dog caughs up the scroll with the bill of sale. We offer them excellent donkey rates. Brick almost hits Kwoth. Chula & Vult go down to the basement to see some things in the basement. Joanna pulls stuck door open, rats attack Fire breath by Vult, hits for 5 Ulric swings at the rats with his mace, crushes several rats 9 damage, rats are resistent to blugeoning Chula uses burning hands, she lights them up for 17 damage, buning them up Ulric senses something Evil Vult, Ulric go upstairs, vult falls through the floor Neemin is thrown across the room LAst call written on the dust on the bar, it wasn’t lif workers come in one of the workers comes in bones are uncovered Bones have been nawed upon There are mouths Lavendered the thing Mouths are all talking all over eachother appear Neemin runs downstairs and starts yelling at the goo monster in deep speech Ulrick hits it with a stick (mace) Chiula sneak attacks hits it with a poison dagger The creature reaches out and hits Chula Chula drops It spits a giant ball off goo at the room and it explodes in a blinding flash of light Goo monster killed after driving vult nuts for a min. Spoilers! The house is haunted. The ghosts of murdered children. House was an orphanage. She was feeding murdered children to the other children. We draw her out and kill her. Childrens sprits are released. Lif back and able to speak through the mirror. Death due to monsterous causes for the worker that Vult blew a hole in.