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A Broken Promise and a New Home

Financial Event

Session 6 - August 8th, 2019

We Make our way out of the sewers and meet with Volo to get the keys to our new home. Not all goes as a planned and some feuding breaks out in the party.

“Knowing Is half the battle”   Date: the 8th day of the 11th lord. Adventures log: -Vult Umbral   Return to the Yawning Portal:   With battered bodies and smelling worse than Johanna when she turns into a skunk, we found ourselves back to the yawning portal with Volo’s friend Floon. I’d rather take a shower but Floon looks a little worse for wear after what he went through. Who wouldn’t, after being in a literal shithole filled with monsters. Getting the prize at the end of the hunt is worth putting up with the smell a little longer. While these two lovebirds are embracing each other, I see Bones Storm across the hall. Oh no not again, he winds up to crush the custodian with his great hammer. The blow comes down heavy and swift, but shimmers as it just passes through the man. The poor man passes out and pisses himself while falling to the floor. What a fool, sometimes I wonder if I should give this up and go back to bounty hunting.   Meanwhile, Joana begins to work her charm on Volo. To my dismay it looks like his wealth is gilded. He offers the deed to property dreadfully named TrollSkull Manor instead of the 1000 gold that he promised us. I’ve dealt with these types before. It’s better that we get something and are owed a favor than get nothing at all, I’m sure we’ll run into him again. Volo states “it was a property I acquired for research into ghastly beings in preparation for my coming novel”. “I deeply regret not being able to provide the agreed upon sum, but I have fallen on hard times, I am sure that this property is worth much more than the paltry sum of 1000 gold coins, should you choose to accept it. Volo is not one to renege on his promises and I will give you a chance to inspect the premise before sealing this deal”. Most of us are in agreement, with the exception of that nudist imbecile, so we choose to make our way over.   After a short walk into the north ward we find ourselves in front of a massive, but dilapidated, 3 story manor. The brute, Hanzon, wants to bash the door in and get this inspection over with so he can “deal” with Volo while the rest of us what to preserve what is now the only thing of value that we got out of the whole ordeal. While we try convincing Hanzon that he shouldn’t wreck our new property, Chula picks the lock with ease   A broken promise and a new start:   Hanzon rushes past all of us yelling “Leeroy Jenkins”. We rush in after him and the stench of vinegar fills our noses. We spread out like a net once we reach the interior finding next to nothing on the first floor. Just a dusty interior that looked that it hadn’t been cared for in a number of years. Lyra, Voremash, Hanzon and Bones make their way upstairs as I comb through the first floor looking for anything of value. While I’m searching, I hear that someone lit a fireplace upstairs. After a bit of rummaging I find a trapdoor hidden behind the bar. I pry it open and make my way down. Chula decides to make her way down with me.   As we make our way down, a piercing scream fills our ears. I ready my magic and consequently light he room. There’s a lady laying in a pool of blood, and as I approach, my magic is suddenly extinguished. Chula lights her torch and the basement looks empty. My mind must be playing tricks on me, maybe I had something slipped into my drink back at the bar.   Back on the first floor Chula lights up the fireplace by firing a gleaming firebolt into it. After the fire gets lit, we hear the words of a woman fill the hear “Laaaassst Call”. Chula Proceeds to ask the “air” for a final drink. A woman appears behind the bar and asks, “What would you like to drink madam?”. Chula immediately begins to question her “Who are you? Why is the place like this?”. The lady responds by panning her arm in a grandiose manner “Why this is the great Trollskull Manor. Only the finest establishment in the North Quarter. “Neeman, Johana and I all approach closer. “My name is Lyff and I am third caretaker that has been graced by these halls. Are there any refreshments or provisions that I could get for you? Not skipping a beat Neeman takes over the conversation. “This is a wonderful place. Are you interested in selling it? We’d love to take it off your hands.”   As Neeman and Lyff barter on the value of the home and how she could not bear to see it go, Kvothe rushes down the stairs angrily stating that “she’s not real” and just walks through her. Lyff walks up to Kovthe and puts her hand through his face “how do you like it when I do it to you? Hmmm? now would you like to order something?”. We hear a loud Thud outside and see that Hanzon looks a little flatter than usual splayed out on the front of the manor. Joana Goes outside first and starts to heal Hanzon. She is followed up by Bones who also begins to heal Hanzon.   We return inside when suddenly Lyff reaches at Neeman and pleads for the him to bring the home to what it once was. Neman and Kvothe lock eyes in comradery. Behind the bar there is a mirror, it begins to fog, and writing appears. It spells “GRAND OPENING !!!!” -from lyff.     To the Tavern Once More:   Seemingly satisfied, we can see that the place seems ok and that even a haunted house is better than nothing. We have approval from the “current” tenant, so I see nothing wrong with it. So, we make our way back to the yawning portal. Volo goes “so how goes the property?”. We state our grievances with the state of the manor. Volo quickly replies that “a good investment needs some work” Chula proceeds to pull a bone from Hanzon’s butt. Hanzon stops her and after much consideration hands her a pelvis.   We mention Lyff to Volo. And he states that Lyff is famous as the previous owner and that it was closed when Lyff was violently killed and the body was not found. Many people reported that there was a lot of yelling. Kvothe interjects by saying “not all yelling is bad”. Volo looks aside and just says that ”that is an interesting choice of words” .   Hanzon and Kvothe want to press Volo to clean the place and Neeman offers to clean it with his “crew”. Volo, satisfied by our answer, claps his hands and a magistrate magically appears. He officiates that the deed has been transfered. All our names magically appear on the deed then a copy appears midair and flies into his belongings with a swift swoosh.   Trouble In Paradise   Kvothe, still not satisfied with the state of the manor, pretends to spill his beer on the Volo. Hanzon, taking this as a que for combat, begins to pull a sword and Butterbean from his bum. “let’s mess this man up, he’s reneged on his contract. We have every right to F**k him up”. He seems to just wait there while Kvothe tries to charm Volo. Volo seems to be more interested in our merry bard by his side. As Kovothe leans in so does Volo. He tries to persuade him into getting a cleaning crew for the manor but Volo refuses to budge. “The conditions of the contract were, ‘as is’ and the contract has been signed”. Refusing to give up he casts Charm on Volo. Succeeding it now seems that Volo will do anything for Kvothe. He asks once more “is there a way you could get the manor cleaned?”. Volo yells “I must clean it right now” and storms out of the bar before Kvothe can persuade him otherwise.   Volo sprints at a surprisingly fast pace seems to run towards the manor. Kvothe choose to go after him and storms out of the bar. Hanzon yells “finally!” and storms off as well. Damnit! One idiot already got us into this whole mess and now another is about to screw up our reward. I’m not about to let the happen until I get paid. Guess I’m going to have to after them and do some damage control.   Before long we reach the manor. Kvothe tries to stop him but Volo does not be dissuaded. Volo yells “There’s no time”. Hanzon sends Butterbean to eat Volo’s face, in the altercation Kvothe charms Hanzon and I punch butterbean off his Volo’s face. Butterbean has been totally knocked out. Man, I better watch my back. There’s no way Hanzon is taking that laying down. Guess that’ll be a problem for another day. I proceed to return to the yawning portal with Volo by my side.   Kvothe mentions that he wants a beer and Hanzon storms off running that he needs to get him a beer. Hanzon summons Lyff in the mirror and ask her to fetch kuoth a beer. She states that the deal was “to restore the state of the manor” and disappears.   We make it to the bar and Volo strikes up a chat with Lyra. Shakely, he mentions that he had a deal to clean the mansion with some local artisans and bring it to a refurnished state. It seems that he’s not too shaken up by the whole ordeal and won’t pursue any further action.     Gathering Intel   I go ahead and chat with party members in hopes of finding some extra info on what actually went down and why Hanzon was so intent on getting “revenge” on Volo.   I learned that when Kvothe went upstairs he ran into Two ghosts. One of an elderly lady, and one of Lyff. They both seems to have “turned him down” so he wasn’t so keen on sharing all the details.   Voremash found anther dead lady in a bathtub. When he went to drain it the water level refused to go down and when he went to pull the body, she disappeared. He said not to worry and that “he had everything under control. After all, I had Two swords” in case anything happened.   Chula, who seems to be on friendlier terms with Hanzon, relayed what he had “seen”. He had found a set of bones on the highest peak of the manor. He proceeded to “store” them in his Bum of Holding, but a massive ghost appears from the bones. Hanzon stated “I would like to put these bones to rest, in my bum. This may seem like an improper place for these bones to rest in, but alas I have no way to carry them except my prison pouch of holding” The specter becomes smaller and seems to calm down. It seems to take the form of a woman.

Ghost: “are you serious about finding my resting place”
Hanzon “its bigger on the inside”
Ghost: “for me to rest peacefully I need to know that my family’s legacy continues”
Hanzon: “go on”
Ghost: "points to the home, it’s been unproductive since the murder of me. And I don’t know who did it. He’s still out there “
Hanzon: “I swear on my naked flesh that I will carry your bones in my body and your legacy”
Ghost: “thanks?“
Hanzon proceeds to put the rest of the bones in his bum. seems that there are still some mysteries to uncover. This “mystery man” might come around to bite us in the ass later. Side note, I’m assuming the ghost he “laid to rest” was the mysterious barmaid we ran into downstairs named Lyff.
Lastly it seemed that the tavern was livelier today than usual. It seems our “friend” Hanzon made quite an impression today. Heard a lot of rumors about a naked man that was climbing the side of TrollSkull Manor repeatedly. Eavesdropping sure is fun. Several people mentioned that he was successful in climbing from the second story up to the 3rd floor. Failed to get to the tower from the 3rd floor. As he fell, he managed to catch the railing on the second floor and save himself. Lastly, he made his way up from the second floor one last time all the way up to the high tower. Just when I thought it couldn’t be more ridiculous, they described in great detail that “He opened the top window, looked out into the horizon and proceeded to swan dive from the highest point in the house. They described it as a 10 for the jump, but a 1 on the landing. Can’t wait to share that one with everyone over some drinks.

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Trollskull Manor
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