
This article is still very much a work in progress, published only for summercamp. It is barely above the wordcount and far from done, but time, you know how it is.

The great city State of Waysol was not always so great. Once, it was but a rocky continental archipelago hostile to any settlement attempts. But times have changed, and with the blessing of the benevolent god Eolus it has become the capital of magic, a thriving city-state isolated from the hostile outside world.




Long ago, when men routinely slaughtered and enslaved others, violence was rampant. A group of scientists and their people were targeted and uprooted from their land by greed. They served no masters, and refused to be destroyed without a word. Thus they set out to the vast world and became nomads in search of a peaceful land. They spread knowledge and wisdom in their path, planting buds of kingdoms and more advanced civilisation.


Still, they were chased by forces of pure evil, who could barely be called humans, even at the time. Touched by their endeavor and their abnegation, the god Eolus took them in pity and guided the persecuted savants to a shore at the boundary of the known world. There, he shed a single tear, a gigantic wind crystal over the biggest rocks, which then became the heart of the city.


Sheltered from the world


Waysol's location is very remote, away from any kingdom or trade route. The chance for someone to stumble upon the territory is already low, but the constant winds that flow out of the big crystal discourages any wanderer, as it carry a strong suggestion to turn them away.


In addition, the city council has built a large network of watchtowers in the surrounding countryside, with watcher able to send an alarm signal faster than any pigeon carrier. The dark times may be over, but the people have not forgotten what the outside world is like.


Knight Orders


Not all knights are warriors, but they are all savants and scholars of their way.




The most prestigious order of knights, they are excellent fighters and attuned with crystallomancy.













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