Inside Silas's House
Plot points/Scenes
Grewarum sees a mass of guards head to the main hall. One remains in the hallway. Dalvanak sees six guards enter the room he just escaped. Garlith sees that the room he is next to is empty and three guards exit out the front door. Darius and Garrakas hear the room to the north--the barracks--has emptied out and hear a large bang coming from one of the windows. Thaddius comes down the street following a patrol of guard talking about an alarm ringing at a rich merchant's house but overhears that they are going to stop off at the pub first.
Silas's guards will attempt to lock him in a secure room. They will stand guard and fight the party until they take sufficient losses to make the charm effect wear off. The city guards (veterans) will arrive after ten rounds or if a large damaging effect takes place like a fireball that sets fire to the roof. If the city guards arrive, they will be suspicious of the party but will not immediately side with Silas. If Silas is able to use the charm eye, the city guards will side with him. Three will be half-elves and know charm magic was used on them.
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