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"What a burden it is to be our kin. Self indulgent and ambitious. But what great beauty comes from our desire, great nobility from our faith."

Wallace Waxton, A Memory of the West

Humans, they say, thrive only in excess. They consume, and multiply, and they conquer and die, and they do it all with great recklessness. But this one flaw, may in turn be their one redeeming quality. For they love and hope and pursue all else that is good in the worlds with the same passion.

Humans in Obora can be divided into three main groups; Addarian, Angorian, or Freedan. Humans existing elsewhere would simply be considered dwellers of their respective home city/place.
Most western Humans today believe themselves Addarian, and they live their lives within the systems of the Addani Empire. That is to say, they subscribe, in their majority, to the societal, political, and religious beliefs of the Righteous Rule.
Men of the East, however, consider themselves Angorian. Their population is concentrated, almost in its entirety, in the country of Koffus, where they live as a peaceful Triarchy. Three indepedant city states living as one country, they are succesful and strong, but not very large in numbers.
Freedans consist of all other human tribes or peoples living in Obora, who don't live their lives within the confines of the Addani Empire nor the Triarchy of Koffus. Their groups are usually small and nomadic, and can be found anywhere from the Outlands to the Beaches of Dunmhar and the Planes Beyond.
Other Names & Slurs: Men/Mankind, Round-ear(s)   Life Expectancy: 110 - 125 years   Famous/Historical Families: The Black, The Myrrin, The Olden, The Everley, The Kilwin   Major Human Cities: Lario, Horia   Predominant Religions: Maphtism, Yrmiran, The Wills   Predominant Factions: The Addani Empire/Righteous Rule, The Triarchy of Koffus, The Sovereign State of Vagos, The Tablemen   Private Groups of Importance: The Under Peddle, The ArcanTrade, The Guild of Hawk n' Prey, The Order Laureate, The League of Everdays
Meta & Rules
  • Stats & Attributes - PHB
  • You may use variant rules
Trivia & Other Facts
  • Humans name orphans, bastard children, and biracial children after animals or animal derived names, such as: Robin, Kat, Grizzly, or Swan 
  • Humans have the shortest life expectancy of all the Faeren due to the amount of children they have, and how early in their lives they begin having them. See The Vitether for more.
Western Human Names (Male)
  • Hald
  • Cinder
  • Dusk
  • Cole
  • Farn
  • Bale
  • Rantipol
Western Human Names (Female)
  • Blanche
  • Cornille
  • Daisy
  • Vanilee
  • Allium
  • Anise
  • Chrysanthe
  Eastern Human Names (Male)
  • Staldar
  • Hist
  • Bellinoc
  • Nattam
  • Rorgul
  • Paind
  • Viesse
  • Brekinn
Eastern Human Names (Female)
  • Umedie
  • Hiasse
  • Zalan
  • Shida
  • Leir
  • Jelna
  • Shath

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