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Vexan Republic of the Corgeanot

The Vexan Republic of the Corgeanot is a new nation formed of the former autonomous region of Corgeanotia in northern Prabai. The nation is a parliamentary democracy with a extremely diverse political landscape, with everything from hardline Syntecrats to Ethnonationalists, Technocrats and Libertarians all in parliament.  


The region of of modern day Corgeanotia has long been inhabited by various peoples. In the Age of Creation, the region served as the southern most point of Elvish occupation in the mainland north, with the ruins of an ancient elvish settlement still standing about 20 miles from the current capital of Villonpoy. With the shattering of the elves during the Abyssal Plague at the end of that age, the region was abandoned, only to be settled about 100 years later by a tribe of northern proto-goblins, now known as the Corgean Natives. This people lived in the region for many years, surviving all the tribulations of the Melisternian Imperial era and into the Second Age of the Man.

Somewhere during the early 3rd century AZ, the Emperor of Prabai decreed the land to become a fiefdom of the popular general Fong Zhoulun, who would settle his people there and drive away the proto-goblin natives. Ever since then, the land was called "Fengdifang" in prabaiian means "Fong's Fiefdom" The ruling Fong dynasty would rule the region in the Emperor's name for close to 800 years, during which the region became a hub of urban and educational development, until a chain of events would transpire that would shift the balance of power in the region drastically. In the late 8th century, the empire was going through a great deal of internal strive, with the largely autonomous lords becoming disloyal to a string of incapable emperors. When Emperor Arkhai VI took power in 889, the empire stood at the very verge of collapsing into itself. With Fengdifang and it's ruling Fong dynasty being one of the largest thorns in the emperor's side. Yet fate would have it that the emperor would gain a tool to drive these people away.

After a great plague struck in the north-western parts of the Vexan Coast, it drove many people there away. These people, who were of the Batak tribe, were offered Fengdifang to rule over as an autonomous province, being allowed to choose their own lord to govern over it. In return however, these people would need to oust the sitting Fong dynasty from their land.

In 894, these people then invaded Fengdifang, with several smaller skirmishes preceding the siege of Fongloi (current day Villonpoy) in autumn. The siege would not last long however, as through careful trickery the people were convinced that they would be allowed to live under better conditions if they sided with the invaders, so they opened the gate for them and even fought with them to remove the Fong from power. Afterwards however, the swords turned on the inhabitants who let them in, as the city was subject to a cruel sacking, as the people of Fengdifang were made an example for others who defy the emperor's will.

After the invasion, these people, who called themselves the Subjects of Corgeant, would be granted the lands they were promised and have been living in the lands ever since. Corgeant is a birdlike deity that had special cultural value to the Batak people, so much so that they named their new land after it, renaming it Corgeanotia. The land was ruled by a lord, but after it's passing another would be rechosen by the other nobility within the nation.

After the great revolts and the turn of the Third Era of the Man, Corgeanotia was secured into the Prabaiian lands under the Treaty of Hylina, as the newly born Kingdom of Vexan chose to forgo Corgeanotia for the strategically more important Holzmark. For the short duration of the era, the Corgeant nation beheld it's status quo, although several revolts led to the emperor deciding to allow himself more authority within the borders. With the rising of global tensions in the early 2nd century PB, the iron grip upon the land would be loosened in order to improve relations with Vexan in the hope to strike up a more united front against the rise of the Torhbad Accord. With the outbreak of the Great Argoan War, Corgeanotia was cut completely loose from the empire as a part of an agreement between it and Vexan as a prerequisite for them joining the Southern Alliance.

During the war, Corgeanotia stayed officially neutral, although it would provide non-military services to the Southern Alliance, such as delivering shipments of food and medicine to aid civilians, but also building extra hospitals to treat wounded combatants. When the war was over, the population also had grown from 3 to 4 million, making it one of the few nations whose population grew during the war. However when the Equilibrium was established, that number would quickly plummet during the Great Famine, although the nation would pull through eventually. In 13 AE, the nation would also open up the elections to the common folk, transforming the nation into the Vexan Republic of the Corgeanot, although it's head of state would still be called the Lord-General.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Related Ethnicities


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