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The Darkest Depth - Awakened

Weapon (varies) - Legendary artifact - requires attunement  
A long polearm found shaped initially as a gigantic glaive, with a haft of oily dark steel inlaid with a still-flowing spiral of quicksilver, a long wickedly curved blade at the end, pitch black and seeming to absorb the light, like a black shape masked out of the world. An inscription runs down the handle in Giant; “In the darkest depths, where light and life and space lose meaning, everything becomes possible”   One of the legendary Destiny Arms, built for the alchemist Lyndara, the first apprentice of Adaxus, and an experimental alchemist who worked with biology and teleportation.     Mutable Form – Over the course of a short rest, a creature attuned to the Depth can adjust its size and shape, forming into a spear, pike, glaive or lance, sized for a creature either Medium, Large or Huge in size. Regardless of its form, it functions as a +1 weapon.   (A weapon sized for a Large creature deals double the damage dice; a Huge weapon deals triple the damage dice. Wielding a weapon one category too large for you causes all attacks to be made at disadvantage; a weapon two or more categories larger cannot be used)   Defy Space – As a bonus action, the wielder may sweep the glaive around themselves in an flourish of quicksilver, stepping through it and teleporting up to 30ft to an unoccupied space they can see. This ability can be used twice, after which the wielder must complete a short or long rest before it can be used again.   Defy Life – Any creature struck with the Depth suffers an additional 1d6 necrotic or radiant damage (the wielder’s choice).   Defy Light: The wielder can see perfectly in mundane and magical darkness out to 60ft.     Exultation: Some shadow of Lyndara’s mind is still present within the weapon. It is possible to converse with her in a limited capacity, and on rare ocassions acting in a manner which is strongly aligned or against her wishes can impose advantage or disadvantage on attacks. The final powers of the Depth can be unlocked by a weilder aligning themselves with Lyndara, with a particular task, accomplisment or choice she feels proves them worthy.


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